Over the Centuries, many tried to find out *Secret* of Eternal Youth. The must known is *Holy Grail*.
There are lots of questions were not answered: Who is allowed to be granted with precious Secret of Staying Young forever.Do you need to have Magical Power and being in knowledge of Magical words?
Is still considered to selling own Soul to Devil- what was widely represented by Great Writers.
I don't know ,will i disappoint you or not, because what i offer you ,are not Techniques and Methods
you have already seen on Internet so much times. I don't say they, along with Meditation and Self Improving as well, are not present, but in my case all have been weaved by Personal Life Experiences.
Long Live Witches
I believe, an Idea that I realize here, with all my Love to you, has been present inside me, since I was born. From my earliest days there was something*unreachable*and in the same time *attainable*waiting for me.
What is the look of*Mystery* and of how I achieved Destiny predicted for me, you will get to know reading my sacred Manuscripts. During my lifetime I was drawing new strength from this Secret Source I dare to name *Secret Grail*, known by most of you as *Holy Grail*
Naturally, Holy Grail as the Source of YOUNG forever is the inspiration Theme of all Generations
through the Centuries. Maybe i must give a correction: Personally, i think it was first of all the Privilege of the Exceptional Individuals and Intellectuals.
The Eternal Youth is dedicated to Rare and Unusual Persons, because, only He or She is able to spend a lot of Times in the Spirit Mind Practice.
It is needed Great Effort and Strong Will to achieve the Perfection.
JESUS CHRIST taught about the Way of Self-Cognition. In my opinion, he was the First Mangranted by the Secret of Eternal Youth.
Leonardo da Vinci created MONA LISA, like his Version of *being Young *forever.
Who didn't fall in love with the Picture of DORIAN GRAY?Author's view of the world, reflected through Strong Desire being physical and spiritual separated from the others.
*The Youth is only what is worth to desire*
*The Beauty is Wonder over Wonder*
How Big the Will of Youth is, testifies the Deal with Devil.
Such Roads were looking for by Michael Bulgakov in the" MAESTRO and MARGARITA"
Bulgakov gives the Hero of the Book attributes of WITCH .She/Margarita/ flies and puts on her face secret Cream. In Bulgakov's story is searched out of Dark side of human being and existence with a Hope to get to the Truth/last Goal.
According to me it was wrong Way-because the Heroes don't deserve LIGHT /the And of the Book
We return to the Light Side, how Jesus Christ thought. But again, i need to be a little reserved-DEMON really exist and has his ROLE in the All.
Don't think i said the whole TRUTH. The MYSTERY of Eternal Youth continues. Do you
have your Story?
My personal SECRET of My ETERNAL YOUTH is HIDED in one WORD -if you read
carefully you would know which was
Slavica Todorovic writes *Abstracts* on her own life weaved in her favorite Masterpieces of the world's greatest Minds.
She says:
*I won old age.*
Follow the link below to find out of how you can get my E-book:Long Live Witches
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