MLM businesses and affiliate sales programs are both programs that if handled correctly, enable you to earn extra cash from home. Don’t belittle the amount of money these working from home opportunities offer. Once you understand the way they are run and how the commissions are earned, you are on your way to earn some extra cash from home.

Mlm businesses are generally known as multi-level marketing (MLM) or network marketing. Mlm businesses are basically a marketing strategy that compensates distributors of direct selling companies not only for sales of goods and services they personally generate, but also for the recruitment as well as sales of other distributors they introduced to the company. The products and services are usually marketed directly to consumers and potential business partners by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Some of the top MLM distributors I know have earned in excess of $10 million in their mlm businesses in about 10 years.

Affiliate sales programs or better known as affiliate marketing is an internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts. Commissions are paid for any sales the affiliate makes. Some of the best affiliates in the market generate thousands of dollars every single month just by their own efforts. These best affiliates would have a huge mailing list. Once they have a product or service to offer, all they do is send an email broadcast to their list and bingo! A single email blast would have reached the thousands of people on their list, most of whom trust them and any product or service they recommend, and they are able to earn extra cash from home. Earnings range from $56,000 in 28 days to $70,000 in just one clickbank account (this guy has 10 such accounts).

So if it is so easy to earn extra cash from home with mlm businesses and affiliate sales programs, then why are people still going to work at their jobs?

The reason is simple. Although it is easy to earn money working at home, there are however some disadvantages.

With the mlm businesses, your commissions normally grow according to the size of your organisation. As mlm businesses require you to recruit more downlines into your organisation in order to enjoy residual income opportunities, this is one of the downfalls of mlm distributors. Where are you going to find prospects after prospects to approach regarding your working from home opportunities? How many of your distributors are strong enough to actually face rejection after rejection? Even if you manage to get your prospects to join you as your downline, you still need your downlines to work and generate sales, failing which you will not earn any commissions. The main advantage of mlm businesses is to be able to leverage on the efforts of your downlines which will not happen if your downlines find it hard to build their organisation.

On the other hand, if you are in the affiliate sales programs, you are generally working on your own and do not have a team of affiliates to leverage on in order to enjoy residual income opportunities.

How then can you achieve a win-win situation where you can get the best of both worlds? Is there a way to create the ultimate internet mlm marketing synergy?

Well, to do that, you can look for online mlm businesses. Start building your mlm businesses online and train your downlines or affiliates in online prospecting which requires you to generate web traffic with your lead capture page in order to build a mailing list. Once you have mastered this art, you will find that it will be so much easier to move your mlm businesses in a mode similar to the affiliate sales programs. Best of all, everyone will be working more as a team and helping one another to succeed.

Author's Bio: 

Patrick Koh TL is the owner of Easy Leads Generator helps the distributors in "MLM Businesses" attract an endless stream of prospects and turn them into paying customers. If you are keen to succeed in “network marketing today" you must learn the secrets and strategies from some of the best online marketers in the industry.