In Part 1 and 2 of this series, we discussed how to find, develop, and enter information onto a website that you get for free and how to find profitable products to sell. In this article, we will cover how to advertise your website and products to generate traffic and make money.

Using the Internet is one of the least expensive ways to make money and start our own business. You don’t need to rent or buy a store. You don’t need to have, buy, or stock inventory. And you don’t need to pay employees to service your customers. All of these things can be done for free on the Internet.

In fact, in order to make money with your online business, you’ve only got to bring people to your website or the sales page of the product you are promoting. I do this by writing articles. Write short 300 to 500 word articles and submit them to article directories. By doing a search, you can find hundreds of sites that you can submit articles to.

To achieve maximum success, you should submit at least one article every day. After several days, you should begin to see some traffic trickle in. Within two to four weeks, traffic will begin to come in on a regular basis. Once you’ve written over a hundred articles, you should have thirty to forty visitors per day. After you’ve submitted 1000 articles, traffic will be flooding into your site. The key is volume. The quicker you can write and submit articles, the sooner you will make money and achieve success. With each article you write, make sure you add a resource box that includes one or two links to your site or the products that you are promoting.

In order to submit articles with this kind of volume you should use article submission software. It will make your job a lot easier and make it much more efficient.

Want to know how I make money? Get my free ebook, Make Money Every Day!

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