First, do You want to read faster and understand better what you read? Why? The best way to learn anything is to pretend that You are teaching this to someone. So, from now everytime You practice Mind Speed Reading, imagine that You have a student in front of You and explain to him/her this tehniques. And remember to practice, practice, practice. You will experience many thins in Your practice, and if You want to progress enjoy all these experiences

Master instructor Nikolas Maricic-Wolf is organiser of http://www.worldtaichiday.org/ in Croatia from 1999 and instructor for http://www.taijiworld.com. You can find many links to many benefits and research in many hospitals, corporations,sport clubs at http://www.helistaichi.hr and all can benefit from this programs. There is almost in every country around the world World taiChi and Qigong Day. «BY HEALING OURSELVES WE HEAL THE WHOLE WORLD AND OUR MOTHER PLANET» He is considered Professor and Doctor in Martial Arts.
By loosing comprehension NOW it means You will have better understading latter ( INVEST IN LOSS TO GAIN – OR INVEST YIN TO GET YANG) KEEP ON WITH YOUR PRACTICE. You had Your result on the seminar, so do You want to have it for the rest of Your life? What this can give You? When You invest in business, do You know that You will have the profit? How? How can You improve the results? Do You just invest and pray that things will go into right direction? Or do You do something and also pray in the process? What will You do with this seminar? It is the best investment You had because it is for You.


We would like to Thank You for Your trust in us at Croatian Taiji Centre Helis and Master instructor Nikolas Maricic – Wolf who wanted as many people to benefit from his Programs to have a healthier and Stress free Life (this is impossible since Stress is necesary for growth – so better to say stress control or stress management). You have exercised and enjoyed some success in this short time, so continue that way.
For example You have a 200 page book, 5 to 10 minutes preview, 5 minutes Follow through, 5 minutes one page a second, and pass through book 5 times faster in 60 minutes with reading first sentence = that is 75 minutes and still You can read it double Your reading speed, and sure You will understand it, in 2 hours. Before this seminar You will need, let us say for 200 page book, 2 minutes per page = 400 minutes = 6 hours and 40 minutes and that is only one time and You will not connect things, make questions. And by this method in 3 hours and 15 minutes total understanding = You will still have left 3 hours and 25 minutes for memorizing it, or if not You can do same with another book. And that is only by learning a litlle. Where can You go with Yur reading speed in the future? What do You want? How can You do it? Do You have a goal? Is it worthy of You, Your goal? Now JUST DO IT. READ Master Sun Tzu book The Art of War, the book every successfull bussinesmen, top sportsmen or every top performer in any activity read and applied in their life. Listen to motivational tapes, read motivational books, and now You can do it faster and since Your whole Mind is involved in reading, You can become successful sooner. If not, it is because You pressure Yourself. Dont do that.
R e l a x Y o u r s e l f a n d b r e a t h

Our goal as Croatian Taiji Centre Helis is to educate to become healthy and champions in all areas of life. You can certainly do that by learning as much as You can and become a success. We at Centre Helis educate and Mind speed Reading is a way of education to become a champion, and to become healthy as Taijiquan goal is to become healthy and genious, as old Taijiquan Masters were all genious and educated in academic, arthistic, medical, self healing and martial art side.
You certainly let us know what You have got from our Seminar and we will be happy that You can apply this knowledge in Your profession.

Yours in knowledge, health and wealth

Nikolas Maricic – Wolf
Master instructor
helistaichi@helistaichi.hr mobile phone 00385(0)989123179 >

Author's Bio: 

Nikolas Maricic - Wolf is an international instructor for taiji and taekwondo chung do kwan as well as teaher of more then 200 people Mind Speed Reading as well as most of his students, wher some became national Taekwondo Champion, and considering no funds and no appropriate space for preparation, this program master Wolf did with them is 90 % of the success