On September 11, 2001, I was inspired to write this piece for the The Black & White Book site I was maintaining at the time. That paralyzing event rapidly revealed itself to be far more than just a United States tragedy in more ways than one. It has proven to be a cornerstone to a phenomenon we have witnessed again and again with ever-increasing magnitude: the mass exodus of souls.
Since witnessing the thousands who were buried in the 9/11 rumble, we have seen tsunamis, landslides, cyclones, earthquakes, and floods mark an end to an ever-increasing number of lives and, in turn, elicit an ever-increasing shift in our collective, Earthly outlook. Those who have left us have graduated to a flawless peace beyond that of physical understanding. They see clearly now. Their relief has come. It is those of us left scratching our heads who need some perspective... some kind of clarity.
In response to the approximately 62,000 transcended physical bodies as a result of the May 3, 2008 Myanmar cyclone and the estimated 18,000 as a result of the May 11, 2008 earthquake in China, I would like to offer the words and ideas to follow. I received these pertinent words during channeling experiences almost exactly two years ago. These words shed some light on what looks like such darkness to those of us still such active participants in this physical realm. These words are very much for those of us here today. But very much in memory of those since passed.

"Could you but see what you hold within as potential, you might just have a flash of insight that would alter the course of your entire life. Do you maintain that all you are is merely flesh and bone? Certainly there is more going on here than that. Do you envision that you could only ever just be a pile of rubble at the end of this embodiment journey? That would be rather pointless, would it not? Learn that you are so incredibly much more than your body that you can hardly contain yourself in one. Do you see how important it is to allow yourself the freedom you need from within? That which you suspect is your spirit is aching to be released and allowed to fly. You were born to fly and to go out and seek that which calls you. So go out. Go beyond the bounds that you presently consider to be bounds. There is no real reason to allow anything or anyone to belittle you for all you are is larger than any aspect of this realm. Keep it ever dear to your heart that you possess the power to be all you could ever imagine. That is why you need only allow yourself to go where you feel directed from within. Fear not what those trapped in bodies decide or think they discern about you or your situation. The only thing you need concern yourself with is a wholeness of mind and spirit and therefore body. In this wholeness you discover your true identity."


"Hold others in the same esteem you hold yourself. There are no others outside yourself, really; it is all merely an illusion. Love is love. You are you. They are you. You are them. Love knows not bodies nor brains nor fingers nor toes nor arms. Love knows all that is. Love knows itself. Love seeks only itself. Love joins itself. There is an infinite well of yourself all around you therefore you need only dive into it. You need only allow yourself to enjoy yourself. You need only allow all you are to be all you are. There is nothing to accomplish here, really, except to hold yourself in your highest place for all you are is all there is. Keep yourself ever placed above the chaos of the world you reside presently for within that chaos you find it easy to forget yourself. Allow all you are to reside above the chaos and confusion and know that you have all you desire in the last place you might think to look."


"Doing yourself the justice you deserve entails not only being your true self but also allowing all others to be their true selves. That means that you allow all to be all. That means that you allow me to be you. You are all. I am all. All there is is all there ever was. It really matters not whether you grasp that idea or not. Just be. If and when it becomes too much of a swirl of confusion or headache... just be. There is always a place to be. There is always time to be. There is always space to be.
So be."

Author's Bio: 

In 2006 Rob Moore experienced a profound connection with Higher Consciousness centered largely around channeling a guide named Dan. As time progressed, a very new understanding was born and new life emerged. You can find on MooreToConsider.com the insights Rob has received not only from that phenomenal period but from an entire lifetime dedicated to seeking truth.