Posted October 31st, 2008 by Keith

* Certified
* Life Coach


While I haven't journalled about it in a while, ego, the duality and things Eckhart Tolle has written about in "A New Earth" and "The Power of Now" continues to play in my mind. In conjunction with my friend Patrick Meninga, author of the daily "Spiritual River" ( ), we are putting together an EBook that will be given away that focuses on ego and addiction. Patrick and I will also be working together to fully develop a concept of Patrick's that I fully buy in to-"THE CREATIVE THEORY of LIFE RECOVERY".

From my perspective, the effect of ego goes well beyond addicted people; it is the conflict of ego that causes many a poor performance in life.

The topic is written about often, but is given little thought by a vast majority of people and the "dual nature" of ego even less.

Below is an article that makes good sense:

"Do not be afraid of the ego. It depends on your mind, and as you made it by believing in it, so you can dispel it by withdrawing belief from it.
--A Course in Miracles

Some of us are fond of saying "the devil made me do it" when we've done something we're not too proud of. We might as well say "the ego made me do it" because the ego is our own personal "devil."

Sometimes we like to claim that we weren't in complete control of our actions, that we were overcome by an irresistible urge. We can't, however, say that with a clear conscience. At one time in our addictive past, maybe, but not now. Now, we can be responsible. An urge can overcome us only to the extent that we let it - only as we give it the power of believing in it.

We have a choice. We can listen to the voice of our ego or the voice of God. How can we tell the difference? By how we feel. The ego's urgings always leave us with some misgivings. God's guidance assures us.

I choose to listen to the voice of assurance."

Every time I quote something that uses the word God I get a little jumpy, for it means something different to all of us. To me it symbolizes a "Good Orderly Direction" that I receive from something bigger than me, and as well as many other places, this direction comes from within.

I strongly believe that within each of us there is a huge pool of good and talent. It often gets lost with life experiences, but is always there. For me, the challenge in life was to reconnect with the good orderly direction inside and harness it to live a life where my dreams became a reality. My addiction recovery program provided a part of the help need, but the constant use of what people in recovery call :outside professionals", including career coaches, life coaches and medical professionals have made the journey life long and helped me to improve in multiple aspects of my life!

As the article states, I choose today to listen to the voice of assurance, and this voice is heard from multiple sources including the voice I now listen to within!

Author's Bio: 

THE CREATIVE THEORY,, Realizing potential and dreams