At the rate in which people are constantly and quickly moving from one project, social event, relationship, freeway, party, job, etc. to another I feel like we are really a race of Humans Racing rather than Humans Being. Also, in the age of information, whether we are at home, the office, the supermarket, or driving down Sunset Boulevard information is coming at us from all angles. It is easy to become overwhelmed. This is especially true for those ambitiously juggling multiple projects and pursuing more than one goal simultaneously. I constantly hear from clients, "I have so much on my plate, HELP!" If you are feeling overwhelmed I strongly urge you not to ignore it. I also urge you not to move into self-judgment for feeling overwhelmed. Accept it and listen for the message it has for you. Then engage the following steps to move you from overwhelm into co-creation. Co-creation is the symbiotic relationship that results when you allow spirit to be in the driver's seat of your life while you make conscious, informed choices.

1. Stop!
If you're overwhelmed it is likely, whether you work for yourself, in a corporate environment, or are just juggling too much at home that a new project fell into your lap and you jumped into action. I admire your motivation. However, taking action in a vacuum will cause you to double your efforts, in addition to making you feel overwhelmed. By taking action in a vacuum I mean rushing to act before stating your intention, clarifying your goal or target, and mapping the big picture. This is like trying to navigate a maze in the dark. So, stop and go onto the next step!

2. Breathe
In addition to delivering oxygen to your brain, breathing will help you relax and support you in focusing your attention on the present moment. When your attention is on the present moment you can't be overwhelmed. Part of the definition of the word states "to overcome in mind." The reason you can be "overcome in mind," is because you allow yourself to get entrenched in thoughts about everything other than the present. An example would be thinking about projects c, d, and e when you are actually working on project "b." Also, taking a few moments to relax and breathe will clear your mind and might even inspire you.

3. State your intention and clarify your goal.
Before starting any project it is best to state your intention and clarify your goal. Every action taken after stating the intention and clarifying your goal is taken with a vision of your overall purpose. This will bring your success with more velocity.

4. Map it
After clarifying your goal map all of your milestones and actions. Include your resources and team in your map. Mapping will also bring velocity and vision to every action you take. You will experience much more ease in your work with a project map.

5. Visualize
When you have stated your intention, clarified your goal, and mapped it spend a few minutes visualizing. This imbues your consciousness and project with the creative energy and spirit. It will also raise your vibration to the level needed to attract your success.

6. Execute it
Ok, now get to work using your map to guide your actions.

Overwhelm mostly comes from a sense of "not knowing" and lack of presence. When you clarify goals and map your project you can act with a vision of where you are headed. Also, you can commit yourself fully to each action without dwelling on what is next, because what is next is outlined in your map. This technique will teach you that your life doesn't have to be stressful to be successful.

Author's Bio: 

Jason Mannino, MA, Life Coach and Career Coach helps you maximize full potential and achieve life balance physically, mentally, and spiritually. Through career coaching you are empowered to reach career goals and transition through career changes. He leads various seminars and this Fall will be conducting "The Call: Realizing Your Mission, Grounding Your Vision" in San Diego, CA and a new seminar for at LAGLC. Jason writes a regular column entitled "Life Fitness" for and has articles featured in various magazines. He is also a Creative Manager within the "Thank God I" book series. Explore how having a coach could add invaluable impact to your life by contacting him for a free 30 minute consultation @