I learned a lot from my father, Fred Trump. I learned about competence and efficiency. One of the best pieces of advice he ever gave me was his favorite formula for success. I call it Fred Trump’s Four-Step Formula for Getting Things Done. The four steps are: "Get in, get it done, get it done right, and get out."

In looking back, I realize I also learned this formula by watching him in action. That's how he operated, and it worked.

Let's break this formula down:

Get in. This is shorthand for getting started. If you want to be part of the action, you can't watch from the sidelines. Give yourself a goal and focus on it. Write it down. There is a lot of information now that proves that making lists -- even if you are able to do it in your mind, which I am -- is effective. In fact, three lists should be in your mind at all times: Your daily goals first, your year's goals second, and then your lifetime goals. Look at or think about these lists daily -- it will help your focus tremendously. A lot of people don't realize that stress is directly related to loss of focus -- so if you learn to control your power of focus, you'll be on the way to conquering stress in your life too.

Get it done. Sometimes that's easier said than done. Here's where you may have to confront obstacles. So, expect them. Expect problems. They are there to bring you closer to getting it done. It's amazing how much this attitude will help you in life -- your attitude will be "that's to be expected" versus "poor me, look what's happening!" Keep your focus on getting it done, and your problems will seem like nothing more than part of the day, like sunrise and sunset.

Get it done right. Here's where I can be -- and have been -- labeled "difficult." I know what great is. I know what mediocre is. Mediocre and I do not get along. I have high standards for myself, and therefore, I don't put up with less than the best. That's why the Trump brand is synonymous with the best. If you have a product or a brand, or a business, you'd better have the same attitude or you're not playing hardball. This focus is how I made a name for myself. I have the ability to get things done and to get them done right. Very few people will argue with that fact, whether they like me or not. I can deliver the goods, and they know it. Rock solid is rock solid. Work toward that reputation for yourself.

Get out. This approach will clear your slate for all the new and exciting projects that are waiting to be done -- by you. This is another example of disciplined focus. When a job is finished, it's your time to move on. I have people who will look after my developments, and there is no reason for me to spend my time doing what other people can do. My job is to find new projects for everyone to work on. Figure out what your job is and streamline your activities and mental energy to focus on that.

Considering the scope of my businesses, and the fact that I am actively involved in all of them, I think you can recognize the fact that I employ the Four-Step Formula on a daily basis. Day in, day out, that is how I organize my thoughts and my days. It worked for my father, and it works for me.

Now make it work for you!

Today’s article is adapted from Donald J. Trump’s latest book, Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success, published by John Wiley & Sons.

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