When I started my network marketing career, I viewed it very much like buying an insurance policy. It was insurance against pay cuts; downsizing; pension cuts; and anyone else controlling my financial destiny.

Insurance is one of those things you must buy BEFORE you need it. Building your network marketing business is the same.
You don't want to wait until you need it to begin thinking about it.

Because we are a "volunteer business" it can be very tempting to procrastinate taking the action steps necessary to create a true business and income. When you begin your business, it is a lot of time for very little pay. This is normal and the same is true for everyone who starts a business of this type.

Some people will take massive action (meaning lots of time and activity put into their business) and it will create a faster growing business and a faster growing paycheck. Others will take the slow route.

Whatever your situation is, I would encourage you to MAKE time (you'll never find it) to take action in your business every day. Squeeze in that quick conversation about our products and our business as many times a day as you can. Get committed and go through your calendar and carve out pieces of time to work your business. If you work full time, "life style" your business as you take breaks; go to lunch, etc.

Taking those steady, consistent action steps will begin to pad that insurance policy that you are building. Your business and income will grow, and you'll begin to find more time to put into your business.

You never know when you are going to need to cash in on that insurance policy, so it's best to have it ready and available for when you need it.

Today, those efforts have produced a business (insurance policy) that I can cash in on. The income it produces is solid, steady and at this point, requires very little of my time to produce.
Take out that insurance policy NOW, before you need it. Decide what it is going to take for you to have the income from your business that will give you the freedom of peace of mind.

Determine what action steps you will take daily to make that a reality in your life. Get committed and do it!

Money can't buy happiness, but lack of it can certainly create unhappiness. You'll never regret having that insurance policy when you need it.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Willard is a mom, life time learner and entrepreneur. Lisa has worked from home for many years, coaching and training others on how to be successful in a home business. Contact her at www.OnlineCandleTeam.com