Are you the parent of a young child, who is receiving special
education services, that is concerned about whether your child has the needed skills, to learn how to read? Are you a parent of an older child with autism or a learning disability, that is concerned about your child’s reading success. This article will discuss 5 skills that No Child Left Behind (NCLB) states, are identified by research as critical to early reading success. These skills were found in the No Child Left Behind parent Guide. This parent guide can be ordered at

Skill 1: Phonemic Awareness: Is the ability to hear and identify
sounds in spoken words.

Skill 2: Phonics: Is the relationship between the letters of written language and the sounds of spoken language.

Skill 3: Fluency: Is the capacity to read text accurately and quickly.

Skill 4: Vocabulary: Is the words students must know to communicate effectively.

Skill 5: Comprehension: Is the ability to understand and gain meaning from what has been read.

You should make sure, that any reading program that is used for your child with a disability, to teach them how to read, contain these 5 skills. No Child Left Behind requires that any educational program used should be scientifically research based. What this means is that the education program (reading program), must have research to show that the program is effective to teach children to read.

In 2000 the Report of the National Reading Program identified these 5 skills as critical to children learning to read early. In April 2000 these research findings were reported in the National Reading Panel,they have now been written into the NCLB law. Reading first is the program that was started under No Child Left Behind, to help school districts to improve reading achievement. For more information on
Reading First go to:

By making sure that your child’s reading program contains these five skills, you will be increasing your child’s chances of learning to read. You must be involved with your child’s education to ensure that the child continues to make academic progress, and learns to read. Reading gives children a chance at a fulfilled life!

Author's Bio: 

JoAnn Collins is the parent of two adults with disabilities, has been an educational advocate for over 15 years, an author, as well as a speaker. Her recently released book; "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game" helps parents develop advocacy skills to be an assertive and persistent advocate for their child. For a free E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to Check out her Web site at