Post partum is part of pregnancy. It is the 6 to 8 weeks after having a baby. For a new mom These weeks can be a very stressful, challenging and confusing for new moms. Read on for great post partum stress survival tips to make this precious new mother/child transitional period less stressful, ...

Post partum is part of pregnancy. It is the 6 to 8 weeks after having a baby. For a new mom These weeks can be a very stressful, challenging and confusing for new moms. Read on for great post partum stress survival tips to make this precious new mother/child transitional period less stressful, less traumatic, easier and more enjoyable for you and your new baby.

As a midwife I put a lot of thought and effort into my pregnancy and birthing experience. My first son was born at home in a birthing pool surrounded by people I loved. But none of my midwifery knowledge prepared me for the first few weeks after having a baby. For me the post partum part of pregnancy was very stressful and physically challenging. I had a long labor; every part of my body hurt and physically I felt like a truck had ran over me. I share with you some post partum stress reducing survival tips that made the end of my second pregnancy more enjoyable.


Arrange help for the household chores:

Believe me; you will be too exhausted to keep up with everything post partum. Don’t be afraid to ask for help during your pregnancy or request maid cleaning gift certificates as a great baby shower gift that can be used after having a baby.


Stock your freezer with pre-cooked meals:

New moms get hungry at odd hours and it is not unusual to be too tired to cook.


Schedule chiropractic adjustments during the first week post partum:

Pregnancy and childbirth moves many of your pelvic bones out of alignment (even if you have a cesarean section birth). Use the expertise of your chiropractor to realign your pelvis, hips and back. This will definitely reduce post partum stress and expedite your post partum recovery.


Have a good supply of large sanitary napkins and adult diapers in your hospital bag and at home.

I am not kidding! After pregnancy new moms will experience very heavy vaginal bleeding post partum and regular sanitary towels will not do the job. Most hospitals give new moms cheap sanitary towels post partum. This will also save your bed linen from been destroyed.


Sleep when your baby sleeps.

As a new mom post partum be prepared to be exhausted. Take every opportunity to sleep whenever your baby sleeps.


Don’t be afraid to cry (and don’t worry about it).

Pregnancy, childbirth and post partum results in changing levels of hormones. After childbirth there is a rapid decrease in hormones that occurs approximately on the third, fifth and tenth day. These hormone adjustments can be emotionally challenging for the mother. You may cry for no apparent reason so let it out and know this is all part of a normal pregnancy post partum.


Supplement with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are breast-feeding safe:

Every organ and system in your body is under a lot of physical stress postpartum as they attempt to return to their normal non pregnancy state. High quality vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are safe for breast-feeding will provide the foundation to prevent postpartum complications and result in an overall a better pregnancy experience.

Having a new baby is a wonderful time in a woman’s life. Knowing the above plan ahead and think of ways to support yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually ahead of time before you are all consumed with your new baby. I am a great believer in the internal health of the body for optimum health and reducing stress. I highly recommend all pregnant and new moms take a product called mangosteen and mineral. It gives you body all the vitamins and minerals it needs to cope with pregnancy and post partum stress.

I urge you to act at once. Read for yourself, an amazing message for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks old. Yes you read correctly, he was seven weeks old! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Read it! Enjoy it! Share it!

Pick up a FREE copy of midwives Hannah's eBook Birth, A Conscious Choice today! Her book follows the path of the child on its journey from the world of spirit through conception and birth. It explains the physical and energetic changes a woman must make to facilitate this incredible process of getting pregnant and maintain a pregnancy. To download just click on

Author's Bio: 

Hannah Bajor midwife, author, visionary creator and CEO behind the Lumalove® brand of childbirth related educational support products and services. Hannah is positioning her company Lumalove® to revolutionize what parents-to-be know about the getting pregnant, pregnancy and birthing process through her successful linkage of traditional and holistic childbirth education.

She has a master’s degree in nursing and is a certified bereavement counselor for miscarriages and baby loss. She holds numerous certifications in the field of energetic healing. She is author of two highly acclaimed books: "Birth, A Conscious Choice" and "Sex Education For Students". She has also created an amazing pregnancy CD titled “Communicating With Your Unborn Child”

Having personally experienced a miscarriage, unsuccessful infertility treatments, and a near death experience following the birth of her second son. As time passed, Hannah was driven to take her midwifery skills, her intuitive ability, and her knowledge about the energy anatomy of pregnancy and her formula for increasing fertility on an international scale.

She is now in great demand for her international one-on-one coaching telephone sessions and in-person workshops. Her genuine phone coaching and workshops heal and empower both men and women of all ages and backgrounds, with physical, mental, emotional and relationship issues. A large part of her practice is dedicated to women experiencing infertility, pregnancy, birth, miscarriage, adoption, abortion and post partum depression, to help them have a happier, healthier life!

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