Potential - Noun
1) the inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.
2) something possessing the capacity for growth and development.

“He has so much potential”, his teacher expressed with deep concern. “He’s a really great kid and everyone loves him”, he continued, “but he just isn’t performing to his academic potential. We’re going to have to make some serious changes.”

“She really has never stretched to her full potential”, her mother lamented. “She seems happy, but she’s living with that guy who’s never going to earn a decent living and she dropped out of college with only a year left. Where’s the happiness in living in a one room apartment the rest of your life?”

As a teenager and even as a young child, I was one of those labeled, “isn’t living up to her full potential” by my teachers. I never understood who was deciding what my potential could be. Was it the teacher? Was it the principal? Was it the school? Was it my parents? Was it society? Living up to “potential” implies that there is “capacity for growth and development”, but in what areas? Who’s making that decision?

If a person is genuinely happy, brings joy to the planet and does less than average on standardized testing, does that put them in the underperforming their potential category? Do we all have the same goals?

Author, speaker and teacher Joseph Campbell said, “each of us is a completely unique creature and that, if we are ever to give any gift to the world, it will have to come out of our own experience and fulfillment of our own potentialities, not someone else’s.”

Each of us is an individual being with a unique divine purpose. Our potential, your potential, is measured not by anyone but yourself. When you were born, you were infused with a mission as defined by the Creator, by God and the Angels. This mission is something that is sacred and very very personal. Your closeness to this purpose is measured by your feelings. Are you happy? Do you experience joy on a continual basis? It is not measured by anyone else’s emotions.

Imagine if schools taught about the Law of Attraction and how the power of thought and emotions determines what you create in life.

Imagine if children learned that it is a priority to live their lives in a state of joy rather than success as defined by those around them.

Imagine if all children were truly at peace and were taught how to understand and follow their divine mission.

When was the last time someone encouraged you to do something you didn’t want to do? Did it feel good? Were you able to feel peaceful within?

Our role as parents is to create the space for our children to live up to their potential as defined by their relationship with their true Divinity. If a child grows to adulthood following their parents’ well-intended but misguided direction, then they are not in tune with their own wants and desires. They are destined to live a life lacking the joy and fulfillment Joseph Campbell speaks of.

Our role as parents is to do the best we can, which is never going to feel like enough, but at the same time, is perfect. Our job is to be as truthful with ourselves as possible; to show sadness when we’re sad and happiness when we’re happy. And when we’re feeling down, or emotionally challenged, demonstrate a path for bringing ourselves back to joy. In being real with our emotions, we model for our children how to pay attention to what makes them feel good…and not so good.

From the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, “Your children are genius creators who have just arrived from Nonphysical, who are feeling empowered. And if they would be left to their own devices, they would not go astray. They would maintain worthiness; they would maintain their feeling of Well-Being. They would thrive, unless it was taught otherwise to them. In other words, if others don't do something to change their vibration, they are in a vibration of thriving.”

Our role as parents is to allow our children to experiment, explore, learn, create, manifest, and love what they experience. Our role is to gently guide as needed, while affording the liberties necessary for our children to stay connected with their “genius creator” selves.

I never excelled in English. In fact, next to French, it was my dullest subject. I dreaded class, my teacher thought my writing was abysmal and I stood in the shadow of most of my classmates. Ironic now that writing has become one of my passions - and greatest areas of success. Good thing I didn’t listen to their comments and instead followed my heart. I thank my parents who always believed in my Divine potential and allowed me the freedom to become me.

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Nina Roe, certified by Doreen Virtue as an Angel Therapy Practitioner®, is an Indigo Family Coach, intuitive holistic healer, Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and Founder of www.AngelsTeach.com, www.AngelsOnTheEdge.com and www.ShadesOfIndigo.net. Contact: 508-208-1702 or nina@angelsteach.com.