It's no secret. America is in the midst of one of the most stressful times in its history. High gas prices, stock market instability, and rising costs of everything from phone bills to electric to food -- all of these factors contribute to increased stress. And with growing stress levels come various health concerns related to how a person handles that stress. In addition to physical aches and pains, stress creates mental and emotional problems which can, and do, lead to sickness in the body.

With winter approaching, licensed chiropractor Dr. Richard A. Huntoon of Advanced Alternative Medicine Center advises Americans that now is the time to plan ahead to take care of their wellbeing during these times of high stress. Dr. Huntoon offers a free weekly health class and is a contributor on current issues in alternative healthcare to a variety of media. Listeners can hear Doc Rick on the Joe Daily Show on 92.1 Litefm.

Dr. Huntoon recommends the following six easy things stressed people can do to assist their bodies in handling stress more effectively and maintaining a high level of health.

Drink more water -- As stress levels increase, the body burns more water in an effort to manage the stress. Drinking more water on a regular basis will eliminate the often unseen effects of dehydration on the body.

Find an outlet for stress -- Exercise has been shown to be a great outlet. Focused physical activity helps keep the body functioning in a balanced fashion. Do some sort of aerobic activity for a minimum of 40 minutes, four times a week. For those who can't find the time, they're already too stressed.

Do some writing or journaling -- Jotting down feelings will help people understand what they are thinking and what is stressing them. By expressing stress through writing, a person gains clarity. Many times, it will help to see the stress for what it is -- an illusion -- and help lose it then and there.

Get proper amounts of sleep -- Using sleep aid drugs is not a good method as they create other imbalances within the body. Many times writing will help a person fall asleep more easily. Avoid watching the news, as this fills head with all the negativity of the world and can increase stress, making it harder to fall asleep.

Consider your diet -- Eating foods of higher quality helps the brain to be more efficient. Avoid processed foods, such as fast food, as these obstruct the body's balance.

Take the time to get looked at regularly -- Visit a professional who can help develop a plan to deal with stress. Getting regular treatment helps to relieve anxiety. Managing the effects of stress on the physical body, and discussing what is going on mentally and emotionally, will go a long way toward eliminating negative effects. Eliminating stress and therefore, its negative effects, will allow life to move forward in a healthier fashion.

For the thousands of people for whom stress is a problem, time must be taken to develop a plan to deal with it. Economic stress and its many ramifications are not likely to subside soon. For a person suffering from stress, taking the time to help him or her self on a regular basis is the most important thing one can do.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Richard Huntoon is a licensed chiropractor with offices at Advanced Alternative Medicine Center, 320 Robinson Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550 (, where he offers a free weekly health class on Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Huntoon also talks about health care on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning and Tuesdays through Fridays in the evenings on 92.1 Lite FM, a Clear Channel radio station. He can be reached at 845.561.BACK (2225), or by email at docrick @