Asthma triggers are physical, chemical and medical substances that trigger an attack in the supersensitive airways of asthmatics. Because the airways are inflamed, they over-react to normally harmless substances like pollen and animal dander.

Most cases of asthma are the result of allergic and non-allergic triggers. Allergic triggers include house dust mites, pollen, molds, and other substances that a person is allergic to. Non-allergic asthma, which usually begins in adulthood, is often caused by respiratory infections, exercise, and is common in certain occupations.

Pollen allergens come from trees, grass and weeds. Each spring, summer and fall, these tiny particles are carried by the wind to fertilize plants. But many of them wind up in the noses and throats of humans, triggering asthma. Molds and yeast are common airborne allergens and are found both outdoors and indoors. These invisible pests are active from midday to afternoon.

Sudden weather changes, especially exertion in cold, dry weather, may trigger asthma. Air pollution is another possible cause although its mechanism is not clear. What is known at present is that indoor pollutants play an important role in asthma. To minimize your exposure to these substances, stay indoors where possible, close your windows and use an air-conditioner to keep allergens outside.

If you think staying at home will protect you from asthma triggers, you’re wrong! There are at least 2,000 triggers in your own home. They’re found in carpets, upholstered furniture, plywood, and even your bedroom. Common indoor allergens include house dust mites, cockroaches, molds, and animals.

House dust mites are microscopic creatures that feed on shed human skin and are active in summer. They inhabit pillows, bed covers, mattresses, clothes and soft toys. Cockroaches and molds are found in dark, damp places like bathrooms, closets, food storage areas, and garbage pails.

To get rid of these pests, throw away garbage properly and clean the closet regularly to keep cockroaches under control. Use a safe insecticide if necessary. Mites can be eliminated by using foam pillows and mattresses and enclosing the latter in a mite-proof casing. Mitecides, chemicals that kill dust mites, may be used on carpets and upholstered furniture every 3 – 6 months. Better still, don’t use rugs or carpets and avoid stuffed toys or sleeping in upholstered furniture.

Your pet can also be a potential trigger. Cats cause the most allergic reactions but all warm-blooded animals are suspects because of proteins found in their urine, saliva, and dander (scales from the skin of hairy animals) that can cause asthma. Pets that may cause trouble include rabbits, chickens, birds, hamsters, horses, mice, and guinea pigs. Stay away from these pets if they make your asthma worse and never let them in your bedroom.

Did you know that indoor pollution can also cause asthma? Learn about this in the fourth part of our series.

Since obesity is bad for asthmatics, keep your weight down to a healthy level. You can do this with the help of Zyroxin, a safe and natural supplement that will maximize your weight loss through its unique fat-burning ingredients. For details, visit

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine