The world lives by trends. In fact, the entire universe functions according to trends called “cycles” – and cycles are all about timing and energy shifts. When times of transition are upon us as dramatically as they are now it is important to read not just the outer, obvious economic and political trends – it’s imperative that we read the subtler energy trends. Why is this so important? Energy shapes action.

Millions of people from countries throughout the world are infused with enthusiasm for the inauguration of the new USA President. Individual reasons are many yet there is something larger in the air and most of us know it. To inaugurate means to “officially begin.” This is not only an inauguration for a new kind of leadership – this is an official beginning of a new moment for humanity. This is the inauguration of a great awakening for all of us and for each one of us – if we pay attention, if we read the energies, and if we step into it. Optimism bears fruit from enlightened action.

Examine your own response to what’s going on now. Are you worried and concerned? hopeful and optimistic? a bit of all of the above? Conditioned by old world view thinking one tends to get swept up into the obviousness of the circumstances and outer chaos which can take your mind (if you let it) on a wild, frenzied ride. However, when we “QuantumThink-It” we focus on the bigger picture, attentive to the context in which the changes are occurring. Energy trends are a form of intelligence with specific and useful information. With awakened thinking we can see beyond pundits’ and politicians’ cries of economic doom and gloom to grasp the subtleties of what this cycle of energy is guiding us to do.

Why is it so important to read the energies? Because when we look from the larger perspective we can move forward with more expansive knowledge and this means we act with confidence, conviction, and wisdom. That’s why.

It doesn’t take special talent or genius to see that our systems and structures as we have known them in modern times have reached their limit of effectiveness. Anyone can see that restructuring is the order of the day, no longer an option but a necessity and actually an inevitability. Everything that isn’t working well anymore is being exposed – from the banking system and money markets to legislative bodies and trade relations. From health care to manufacturing, food production methods to corporate integrity, the Either/Or world of polarizing ideologies and limiting ideas is breaking down. In this era of transition the list of excesses and waste, irrelevance and irreverence rolls on, ever available for your reading pleasure on your blog of choice.

Fret not, friends…this is good news!

The chaos reveals where we need to make the necessary corrections and changes to get our foundations secure, sustainable, and successful in a new way. Restructuring doesn’t mean throwing everything out that you have built and developed; it means using what you have to new advantage; it means editing, organizing, and improving for change.

It doesn’t take special talent to see the obvious however it does take conscious awareness to read the subtle energy trends guiding the overall process so we can use the energies beneficially.

It is not by chance that the buzz at the 2009 Consumer Electronics show was tech-gone-green or that the auto show heralded electric cars. It is no fluke that the change candidate has been elected, the visionary leader open to restructuring the country’s transportation systems, energy resources, and global relationships. It is not arbitrary that a huge study is being done to determine the connection between what mothers-to-be eat and the chemicals they are exposed to and the affect of them on their child’s health. It is not whimsy that researchers are studying how the presence of purpose and meaning in children’s and teens’ lives affect their positive development. We are in a cycle of fixing and changing what’s not working in our systems by thinking about them in new ways.

What about you and me? How does all this “breaking-down-of-the-old-so-the-new-can-emerge” affect us? What are the energies of the time? What is the guidance?

Edit. Restructure. Think in a new way.

The macrocosm reflects in the microcosm. What’s happening in the collective is happening for you and me. It’s holographic. It’s time for us to edit and restructure, letting go of what simply isn’t working, whether what you need to edit are outdated business structures, relationships, or attitudes that don’t sync with who you are now.

We can begin by asking ourselves, in these changing times what restructuring is inevitable in our life, in our company, business or organization? Inevitable means it’s going to happen whether we like it or not, whether we participate in it consciously or not.

Once again we paraphrase Einstein’s insight turned mantra:
The thinking that got us here isn’t going to get us out of here.

To build new systems and restructuring we need to think in a new way. For many years I have been speaking the words: we are in a time of evolution unlike any we have witnessed or known when what must evolve now is human consciousness itself – our own mind and the way we think. I called QuantumThink “a new system of thinking.” A new system of thinking is very different from a new idea or an innovative concept. A new system of thinking means that all your thoughts and ideas and concepts are generated from a completely new framework, a different foundation, a new context, hence, a new world view. The time to consciously evolve our thinking system is no longer approaching; it is here, now.

Learning to read the energies of the time as a way of life is a vital aspect of new thinking. We aren’t taught to read subtle energies in traditional education (not yet anyway). Let’s not allow that to stand in our way. Let’s have some fun and read the energies together.

Remember, it is not that these energies are “new” – the idea is that attuning to these particular energy qualities at this exact moment in time puts us in optimal relationship with the trending circumstances.

Subtle Energy Qualities of the Time

(1) Self-generate – take care of yourself
(2) Be the Authority – take control of what you have authority over
(3) Maintain Focus; Insist on Clarity – remain centered in the midst of chaos
(4) Develop a Restructuring Plan-In-Action – plan to restructure and act on it

1. Self-Generate.
QuantumThink-It: Cooperative Self-Effort.

Take care of yourself. Everyone else is in the same situation – of having to re-assess and restructure areas of their own life and organizations – so they’re also busy looking after themselves. Don’t rely on others coming to “save” you. Initiate. When you see something needs to be done, you step in and have it happen.

An aspect of Self-generating is connecting with your networks of support in collaboration. Cooperative Self-effort is the paradoxical nature of a Both/And quantum reality. Even though the mission is to take care of what’s ours, we have never done anything alone and in fact we are more interdependent now in this globally connected world than we have ever been.

2. Be the Authority in Your Own Life.
QuantumThink-It: Flexible Control.

This is a time to take control of what we have authority over in our own lives. However, “control” in a quantum world in not the forced push-pull of industrial age mechanical thinking. Control in this sense means using the energy appropriately through Being Centered, aware and alert to what actions need to be taken – and taking them. Flexible control is like the tree that bends in the wind while its foundation remains strong. Be the leader and take control while at the same time staying flexible allowing for new and unexpected changes to emerge – because they will. You can count on it.

3. Maintain Focus and Insist on Clarity.
QuantumThink-It: Detailed Awareness.

When you’re creating “the new” you need to make critical choices – let’s call them enlightened decisions. Clarity and focus and detailed awareness are necessities for discerning what needs to be edited out to make room for the new to emerge.

Enlightened decisions require awakened thinking. What is awakened thinking?
Thinking beyond the automatic ways of the past, beyond the culturally conditioned status quo, and not limited by prevailing circumstances.

In a state of Detailed awareness it will be clear to you what needs to be fixed, what needs to change, what needs to be organized, what needs to be made healthy again.
Insist on clarity from yourself as well as from others. They’ll be grateful to you.

4. Develop A Restructuring Plan-In-Action.
QuantumThink-It: Comfortable Unknown.

If you realize the essential energy of the time is restructuring, organize yourself and create a plan. This is not a time to sit back and wait for some lucky chips to fall into your lap. It is a time to be alert to opportunities and take action – especially when you’ve never been here before and the results are uncertain. Get Comfortable with what is yet unknown to you.

Note: There’s some old world view thinking going on about “change”– that change is unknown and therefore uncomfortable and therefore people tend to resist it or even fear it. Allow me to suggest that this “concept” is not “truth” but simply an outdated vestige of industrial age thinking that held the world as fixed and solid – so therefore “change” didn’t quite fit in. When you realize the essential nature of reality is energy in constant flux – always moving and changing, you can simply be at home with the unknown.

These are exciting, exhilarating times. Let’s all listen to its intelligence! If each one of us heeds the energies to consciously restructure what is ours – imagine how the whole world would improve! Awesome.

Start Now.
“Restructuring” Recreation
QuantumThink-It: Contemplative Action

On the following page we present a “Restructuring” Recreation (practice for the mind and awareness) to assist you in getting started.

“Restructuring” Recreation

1. Look into the areas of life listed below and underline or highlight those which require and would benefit from: restructuring, upgrading, focus, expansion, organizing, clarity, streamlining, refining, new thinking and/or a plan of action for accomplishment.

2. What structure(s) will you put in place now to ensure you are in action taking yourself where you want to be?




3. When will you begin your plan – in action?


4. Are you satisfied with the way you just responded to these self-inquiry questions? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, great! If not, what will you do to bring contentment to yourself?



Areas of Life

• Health Fitness, Presentation, Nutrition, Exercise, Healing Modalities
• Financial Security-Well Being, Income, Investments, Tax Planning, Estate
• Relationships Partner, Business Partner, Family, Friends, Associates
• Profession Business, Career, Daily Routine, Coach, Mentor, Networks
• Global Participation Contribution, Vision, Leadership, Community
• Environment Home, Office, Personal Surroundings, Technology
Happiness Vitality, Joy, Fulfillment, Contentment
• Recreation Relaxation, Play, Sports, Fun, Social Life, Vacations, Travel
• Spiritual Self Harmony, Soul Alignment, Practices, Connection to Higher Power or Higher Purpose
• Mind Mastery, Awareness, Equanimity, Ability to Cope, Tranquility
Creativity Expression, Expansion, Boldness
Personal Development: Learning, Skills, Talent Development, Technology
• Other

© 2009 Dianne Collins/QuantumThink®

Author's Bio: 

“My entire life has been devoted to the question – what is the access to creating the results we truly desire? From studying everything from physics to metaphysics I made a few life altering discoveries that led me to create the QuantumThink® model – a system of thinking comprised of principles and practices that make it quick and easy for anyone to live the wisdom of science and spirituality in everyday life – not just know the principles – to embody them.”

Dianne Collins is a modern visionary, an authority in new world view thinking and the creator and author of the QuantumThink® system of thinking, an unprecedented body of knowledge based in the principles of quantum science and universal laws applied as practical wisdom in all areas of life. Dianne’s varied experiences as a Fortune 100 corporate manager, an award winning photographic artist, a video producer, and currently as a consultant to business executives all contribute to her extraordinary gift of originality and the ability to express complex universal subjects in clear and powerful ways that benefit people instantly. She provides a big picture view that makes sense of the changes all around us and makes it entertaining and enjoyable to think effectively in sync with today’s world.

Dianne is a graduate of the University of Miami in Philosophy and Psychology and a lifelong student of Siddha Yoga and all leading edge healing modalities and scientific models that make life better and more joyful. She is a featured visionary in the book, The Flip (J. Rosen and D. Rippe). Her first book, Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World, presenting the QuantumThink system to general audiences, will be published in 2009.

For more than 10 years Dianne Collins and her life and business partner, master QuantumThink coach Alan K. Collins have presented QuantumThink® with outstanding success to executives, managers, consultants, and staff in the world’s leading companies including Accenture, AT&T, Chase Bank, and Dupont; to leaders and officials in the United States government including the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense and the National Partnership for Reinventing Government under former Vice President, Al Gore; and to entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals worldwide. QuantumThink® is learned in the context of real-life business and personal projects and situations in unique, live teleconference programs, QuantumThink 21, and in CD recordings, QuantumThink AudioCoach.