Do you feel refreshed at the end of a work day? Or do you feel exhausted, too tired to enjoy the rest of your day? Maybe you even work until bedtime?

Working Full Tilt Most of the Time Is a Common Mistake that most business owners make.

The good news may be that your work is a major way in which you fulfill your divine mission. You love what you do and you want to leave your print on your clients and the world in a positive way. That is wonderful - many blessings and kudos to you.

The bad news however is that even if the good news is true, if you don't feel refreshed at the end of the day you are likely compromising your ability be effective and truly fulfill your divine mission. You have been working too hard, enjoying it less and are out of sync with the creative process.

Creating is what we all do in our businesses. Whether we are creating services or products, works of art, books, speeches or ways to get our message out into the world, we are in the business of creating.

Creating is a process with several steps but I want to focus on one, the Creative Intermission. The Creative Intermission reflects a key universal principle. This principle is necessary for the universe to continue creating and recreating itself - it is activity and rest.

Both activity and rest are necessary for you to continue creating and re-creating your business such that both you and your business remain fresh, alive and responsive - and continue to grow and to evolve. Eventual decline rather than growth occurs without the "rest" side of the equation. Plain and simply, you and work become stale.

Nature consistently takes Creative Intermissions in her process of creating and recreating herself. Look at the seasons. Spring and Summer are high activity and growth phases. Fall and winter are resting and internal phases.

Seasons change, tides ebb and flow and the sun rises and sets. Even your heart rests after every beat. In fact, your heart is in its resting phase approximately 60% of the time.

What happens during Creative Intermissions? A lot happens in the resting phase of the creative process, and without effort on your part.

Your creativity - the core of the unique genius that is yours - comes forth. Fresh and inspired ideas, new ways of seeing, "ahas", intuitive thoughts or innovative ways of putting things together may arise during these intermissions, or later on as a result. You are refreshing and revitalizing your mind and body while giving your creative genius a chance to shine through.

Now you are ready to resume your active work. You will be fresh and your love for what you do renewed. Your actions will be more meaningful and effective.

The impact of keeping yourself refreshed throughout the day has other benefits.

• Your mind is crisper and clearer for everything.

• You are more able to "hear" and move with your intuitive knowing.

• Your ability to be decisive and to make conscious choices increases.

• You are more present to yourself, and for your clients and others with whom you interact throughout the day.

• And, voila, when the work day is over you yet have the energy for the rest of your life.

Take Creative Intermissions In Four Key Ways!

Over time you can learn your own creative rhythm, including the rest and activity cycle. However, until you do and are willing to follow it, it is wise to put some simple structures in place to help. Here are four simple ways you can begin now:

1. Take creative intermissions throughout the work day. An hour is generally the maximum amount of time that you can remain effectively engaged. Plan a 5-10 minute Creative Intermission every hour. Have a cup of tea or glass of water. Take a leisurely walk around the block or simply sit quietly. Take plenty of time for lunch. And get plenty of sleep at night.

2. Take at least one day completely off from work each week and make it a leisurely day. Have breakfast in bed or stay in bed until noon. You'll be glad you did.

3. Take regular, non-working vacations every year, or better yet, every season. Visit some place new, or visit some place that you already know and love in a new way.

4. Spend time in nature on a regular basis. There is nothing I know of that is more refreshing, connecting and revitalizing than being in nature. When you spend time "being" in nature you naturally imbibe her wisdom and your creative juices are sparked.

Taking regular creative intermissions may be a very bold move for you. It may take courage and trust. But I guarantee you that you won't be disappointed. It will take your creativity to the next level and enhance not only your business, but the quality of your life in every way.

Step Into Your Greatness -- Relax into the next
level of your success!

Author's Bio: 

Reggie Odom, CPCC, PCC, founder of Inspired Works, is an Intuitive Vision Consultant, professional certified coach, spiritual teacher and speaker. She is also on the faculty of the National Institute of Whole Health where she teaches a coaching series. Reggie is considered a master teacher and unforgettable speaker. She inspires and guides Spirit Minded Entrepreneurs to step into their greatness, with ease! She can be contacted at (617) 524-6153,