I’m asked a lot, what can I do to prepare on my end for a healing session? Can I enhance it in any way? Be careful what you ask for...) The answer is a resounding “Yes.” I’ll share a little fact with you now: you are the one responsible for doing the ultimate healing/miracle/change in life habits that you walk away with after our session. The ultimate healer in your life is you.

Healers bring a vibration of balance back to your body. This is a healing in itself and may create great and instantaneous changes that you hear about in energy healing work. This is sometimes just the body boost for one person, and their healing is complete for them, and for some it is just a starting point of bringing a balance and a higher vibrational field into their life.

So what can you do to prepare for the session? I encourage writing down or saying out loud your intent for a healing in whichever, whatever way it presents itself to you....basically letting go of the outcome.

We all think we know what it is that we would like to work on, and of course it is appropriate to voice these areas, but we are much greater than our physical bodies, and releasing control and having faith in our higher good will only make way for the healing. I liken this to my having a really cool car. You are in my passenger seat. I can turn the car on and even drive it a bit, but ultimately there is this fantastic Source Navigation System that turns on and takes it from there. If the passenger is getting in the car saying, “turn left, left, left,” it takes away from the free flow of energy. And honestly, who knows what miracle was waiting if the car turned right?

So what’s the secret to enhancing your healing? You are....

With love, Samantha Avenaim
Reiki Master and Crystal Healer

Author's Bio: 

Samantha Avenaim is a Reiki Master and Crystal Healing in Los Angeles, California