When I met Harry O’Brien and he told me his story, I knew his story needed to be shared with the world. We discussed him writing a book but the thought overwhelmed him. That’s when Divine guidance came through that his story was to be part of a powerful book that included different stories of various challenges that appeared in the lives of ordinary people. Each of these individuals had become the victor over their challenges, refusing to remain the victim. By stepping out of their old story of victim, the people who share their stories in the book Seven Roads to Glory offer insights and principles for overcoming any difficulty you may be facing. The following is excerpted from the book Seven Roads to Glory.

‘Every human being living on this planet has a story. Most are living in their story right now, creating their life according to their thoughts and beliefs. Many do not like the story they are creating yet have no idea that all they need do is step out of their story and begin living life as they desire it to be.

My old story presented aspects I certainly didn’t like. I experienced a rigid, controlled childhood, a long unhappy marriage although it produced five wonderful children (they are my greatest gifts!), a continual struggle with low self-worth, illness that took five years to heal, near financial ruin from an unethical business partner, and so on. Life to me was hard, and a struggle to come up for air at times.

Each of you reading this book has your own story. Perhaps your story includes hardships, challenges, problems, struggle, or the various road blocks that come to everyone at some point in their life. What I have come to understand is that we have the power of choice, that we don’t have to remain in the old story, and that we actually have the power to remove ourselves from the story and begin living our dreams. In addition, I have learned that every challenge that comes our way is a gift from God, and that the entire scenario could be changed if we realized this one important fact of life: We all have problems, but it’s in how we see them and grow through them that makes the difference between becoming a victim or a victor. Our greatest power in this world is the power of choice! Instead of being the effect of life’s circumstances – the old story of pain, hurt, struggle, lack – you actually have the power to step out of it and become a creator of something exciting and glorious.

Oprah Winfrey, who most assuredly is an example of receiving the desires of her heart and then some, was once fired as a reporter and given a shot of projected doom, a very unhealthy set-up for failure from her employer. Instead of accepting that as a truth, she stepped away from that negative perception and created what she envisioned as her truth – that she could be more. She said, “I live in the space of thankfulness – and I have been rewarded a million times over for it. I started out giving thanks for the small things, and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That’s because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.”

As you read the stories of these ordinary people and how they stepped right through what seemed to be insurmountable difficulties, understand that you can overcome any challenges you are presently facing as well. You can choose whether you will participate in a continual “pity party” or squeeze those perceived sour lemons into wonderful, sweet lemonade! There is always a bigger picture then what you can see or understand at first, for the gift may not be visible at first glance. However, if you have faith and make the choice to step out of your story – the pain, hurt, anger, guilt, shame, lack, or whatever negative feelings you are experiencing - focus on the good in your life and be continually grateful for it, your life can become a glorious, exciting adventure, even as you are walking through the challenge. It’s simple: Make lemonade from your lemons!

Let me introduce you to Harry, a human being extraordinaire…

It was a beautiful fall day in early October, October 3, 1983 to be exact. The sun was high in the sky, brilliantly shining as the crisp coolness of autumn filled the air. The day had presented only wonderful visions of fantastic possibilities.

Life was good; that’s what Harry thought. He was quite content. He and his wife were happy together and he was doing the things he loved to do: rebuilding older cars, playing bass guitar in a traveling band, and technical assistant in a recording company. He loved playing music and loved to dance, and he was good at both. As Harry drove away from his morning meeting, he was smiling as he sang along with the music that floated to his ears from his car radio. He was en route to see about purchasing another “over the hill” car, a Trans Am to be exact, so he could fix her up. He loved cars!

Happily cruising as he hummed the radio tunes, he noticed a car sitting by the roadside with a man looking under the hood. As the man heard Harry’s car approaching he began waving his arms to attract attention to his dilemma. Harry immediately signaled to pull off the road to see if he could help this man in distress, especially since fixing ailing cars was one of his specialties. The man was obviously overjoyed to see help arrive and asked Harry if he would jumpstart the car. Harry hooked up the cables between both cars and was in the process of priming the man’s carburetor. He tried three times with no success, but suggested they try one more time. He was standing in front of the man’s car, priming the carburetor, hoping he’d have this guy on his way in short order, when suddenly, in a split second, his life abruptly ended as it had been.’

I invite you to step out of your old story and create a life that you truly want and deserve. With every thought and action you are creating your life right now, and you have the power of choice to change it! Seven Roads to Glory will inspire and uplift you as it shares how to triumph over any challenge you are facing. It is a powerful guide for restructuring, rebuilding and renewing your life. Then you can experience the joy, fulfillment, freedom, peace and immense happiness that is the life you were born to live. To purchase this empowering book, simply go to www.sevenroadstoglory.com. As a special offer, you will also receive the free eBook Agelessness, when you order a copy of Seven Roads to Glory.
Book Review:

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., has added another winner to her growing list of powerful and inspiring books. A must read for all, Seven Roads to Glory illustrates through seven authentic stories, how each of us has the power to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles through love, grace, wisdom and a strong sense of self.

This powerful collection chronicles the real life stories of seven everyday people, including Carolyn, and how each overcame emotional, financial or physical adversity to create a life they love.

I was hooked from the first page as Harry recounts his journey - one that landed him in a wheelchair after stopping to help a stranded motorist. Next there is Anita, whose life challenges moved me to tears. Not only did she survive, but she has accomplished more in her young life than many adults without her challenges. Then there is Rick, who shares his collection of short true life stories with warmth and up-lifting messages for everyone. Carolyn reflects on her own story. It takes such courage not only to bare one’s soul, but to express the inner feelings and thoughts of others so eloquently. Carolyn’s book triumphantly celebrates our individual choice and power to become the victor instead of the victim when life takes an unexpected turn.

The book closes with the recounting of the lives of three women who have forgiven themselves and their offenders to become victors over abuse, drug addiction and more. To add to the authenticity of these stories, each contributor added their contact information to help others along their own personal path to a glorious life. This collection will speak to anyone who wants to remove the roadblocks in their life and renew their faith and belief in what is possible.

Nancy E. Livingston
Life Purpose Counselor, Reiki Master
Ft Lauderdale, FL

Author's Bio: 

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., in an internationally acclaimed Author, Speaker, Wholeness Coach, Trainer, Angel Practitioner, and owner of Where Miracles Happen Healing Center. Her passion is to help individuals understand their heritage of magnificence so they can create the life they truly want and deserve. For many years she has been helping people step into their power and become more by coaching, writing and teaching the principles that have powerfully transformed her life from being small to magnificent. She is the author of A Woman’s Path to Wholeness, The Realness of a Woman, Healing with Color, Angel Love and Seven Roads to Glory. Her audios include Healthier & Younger and Healing with Color Meditation. She has developed and presents the following trainings: Life Skills Speaking Program, Life Skills Coaching Program, and Angel Love Practitioner Training, in which each participant receives certification upon completion. You can learn more about Carolyn at www.drcarolynporter.com and www.wheremiracleshappen