The ideal world of affiliate marketing does not require having your own website, dealing with customers, refunds, product development and maintenance. This is one of the easiest ways of launching into an online business and earning more profits.

Now for those who do not know what affiliate marketing is... in it simplest form - home based affiliate business is where the affiliate(YOU) promote someone else's product (the merchant/product creator) and if the customers you sent to their site make a purchase you get a commission (percentage of the

Before you jump into joining any affiliate programs to promote. You should understand the 2 ways to utilize a home based affiliate business.

These 2 approaches are:

1. No Website:

This seems to be the most common approach many people starting with affiliate marketing take. While this sounds easy and all ... which is even classified by many "gurus" as the short way to making some quick money on the internet. Though on the surface or to the untrain eye, it seems easy and fastest way to
make money online.

Let's stop and investigate. For example, let assume you just starting out and have decided to test the home based affiliate business area by choosing this method. Unless you have a lot of money to spend on buying tons of traffic, then this approach will not be the best fit for you. Simply because free traffic won't cut it.

Let me explain....

Remember that you'll be sending visitors directly to the merchant's website. A study has shown that it take 7 exposures to a product before customers decide to buy. And that doesn't take into account those who opt-in into the merchant's eZine.

Now get this:

While this method requires no website, your own product and customer service, taking this route also means you have no control of your business and if the merchant decide to pull the plug on you that will be the end of your money making or say business.

2. Building Content Rich Site:

This approach is considered by many to be the long way to go. Let's find out and see if it is true.

Taking this route requires the individual to plan because you basically building your own business. Although this method does not require you to have your own product or deal with refunds, you still have to build your own website, and deal with your subscribers or prospects to build strong relationship with them.

Now is there any advantage of one over the other?

Well, if you compare the two, I believe the second is more easier because you don't soly depend on the merchant. Plus, in case the merchant decide to get out of that business - all you do is move on to another merchant.

And here's some great news for you:

After you take the time to plan and build your own successful site with opt-in, of course, to capture the name of your visitors. You can always add step 1 above and send customers directly to any merchant site to generate more revenue.

The question to ask yourself is did you come to the internet to make some quick money or to find a way and establish your own profitable business that will continue to generate income for years to come? If so, then won't you agree that step two is the most lucrative way to not only try home based affiliate business. And will allow you to learn about the market you intend to pursue and find out what is working best in that area?

If you answered yes, then the next step is to seek information on how to properly plan and take this approach to better understand your market.

Author's Bio: 

Bismark Ampofo runs free home based business information the site that provides you with the quality of free information you need to start your business on the right path... Go to to learn how you can start your internet business right the first time.