In a previous article we offered a few aspects
of the Mystic’s Magic Formula and promised
more information in the future. The Mystic’s
Magic Formula is a mix of practical and spiritual
techniques to help you deal with what you can’t
change in your life and manifest your desires.

We won’t cover all steps of the Mystic’s Magic
Formula here, but two very important elements
involve meditation and inviting help from your
higher-self, guides of the Light and, or God.

How do you get help from God, spirit guides,
and your higher-self?

Those of the light on the other side want to
help you, but you have to ask. Getting in the
healthy habit of regularly saying out loud,
perhaps before or even during your regular
meditation, “Spirit guides, masters, teachers,
and helpers of the Light, God, please guide me
to the answers I seek about...,” for example, will
open the door, usher in help from the other side
and, at the same time, remind you that help is
available. We offer additional information
about the art of asking for spiritual help,
meditation, and a whole lot more in the Mystic’s
Magic Formula and elsewhere in Direct Your
Destiny (tm) e-package.

Asking for help from the other side or your
higher-self is one thing, but you’ve got to be
in the right state of mind to receive the
assistance. The more centered and grounded
you are, the more likely you will hear those
faint whisperings in your ear, see the signs
as they subtly appear visually, or receive
helpful insight through other means.

Yes, we know, it’s not easy to get into the
practice of meditation, but like many things
worthwhile, it demands discipline and
practice. It’s a long-term discipline and
the more you work at it, the more benefits
you’ll receive. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes
a day, some form of meditation is necessary
to magnify your awareness and deepen
your perspective.

Meditation is ultimately a process of
detaching from the over-active conscious
mind to a place of stillness and peace. You
know when your mind is mentally multi-tasking,
perhaps going in 10 directions at once?
That’s the opposite of a good meditative

A good meditative state for receiving insight
and answers to your questions is like your
mind is on pause while you listen for the
sound of a train in the distance. As an added
bonus, proper meditation releases feel-good,
natural opiates from your brain.

We offer many tips, tricks, and unique methods
for achieving a great meditative state in the
Direct Your Destiny (tm) e-package and we’ll
offer some simple advice here.

If you’re having trouble getting into a good
meditative state, close your eyes and focus
on the middle of your chest. If you find your
mind drifting away from this point of focus,
slowly start counting and imagine drawing
the numbers on your chest plate.

Alternatively, close your eyes and direct
them up to your third eye area between
your eyebrows. Without straining your
eyes, keep them focused there, as it will
help to induce an altered state.

If you tend to fall asleep during meditation,
keep your eyes open and focus on the flame
of a candle while counting from 1 to 100.
Once you reach 100, begin again. Do this
until you feel peace and calmness washing
over you.

Remember, it takes practice. The old joke
“I tried meditating, but nothing happened,”
might seem applicable, but know that you
will reach an altered state in time. By the
way, “nothing happened” is the objective in
good meditation; you are so blissfully
centered and detached from mind chatter,
and enjoying a feel-good state, that there is
room for divine guidance to appear at the
doorstep of your mind.

Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Author's Bio: 

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980’s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic.