Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to remain a neutral (pluropotent) stem cell or become uni-potent (tissue-specific with a designated function). A uni-potent cell might become a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell, for example.
There are stem cells in developing embryos, the placenta, amniotic fluid, umbilical cords and, in recent years, scientists have confirmed the existence of stem cells in adult humans. Recent data suggest that stem cells are not only active in embryos, but act throughout our lives. They replace worn and damaged mature cells, heal or even regenerate damaged tissue and confront many of the diseases and conditions associated with aging.

When you were young, stem cells continually produced replacement cells for worn or damaged cells for no other reason than the fact that they could.

But, with increasing age, stem cells become more and more inactive, retaining a tendency to be potent, though remaining asleep.

Sometimes they may wait for many years, until some kind of serious damage is perceived by the body. In the face of massive injury, a large number of signaling molecules, chemicals such as cytokines, are produced. These chemicals tell the stem cells "It is time to come out of slumber. You need to make new cells.”

Generally, the stem cells will then divide, producing one destined copy and one self-replacing stem cell. The same process may repeat itself, over and over again, until many replacement cells are produced by one stem cell.

Hayflick Limit and Stem Cells

In the early 1960's, Dr. Leonard Hayflick found that normal tissue appeared to die out after the cells had divided a certain number of times (roughly about 50).
The reason for the "Hayflick Limit" is that, with each division the ending “cap” of the cell’s DNA (called telomere) becomes shorter, thus ticking back an "inner cell clock". The telomere eventually becomes so short, there is scarcely anything left. The cell then stops dividing and dies.
Embryonic Stem cells and Amniotic Stem Cells have an ability to escape the barrier of the "Hayflick Limit". They do so by producing a certain amount of telomerase enzyme, which acts to elongate the telomeres. That‘s why Embryonic Stem cells never reach senescence; they never get old or die.

Adult Stem Cells do not produce enough telomerase to keep up with the rate of telomere shortening. Unlike embryonic stem cells or amniotic stem cells, adult stem cells do, eventually, become old. However, the time it takes for that to happen is so far beyond the so-called "Hayflick Limit", that an adult stem cell is essentially "immortal,” compared to the current maximum of about 120 years.

Are You Ready for a BIG Surprise?

We (humans) have enough adult stem cells in our bodies, producing enough telomerase, to last a lifetime of well over 1,000 years!

How can it be? The existing stock of your own stem cells is enough to regenerate your body for 1,000 years. We just need to make them work properly.

Indeed, according to the Bible, such people as Methuselah once did live that long. We could, potentially, even lengthen stem cell productivity far beyond that. All we need to do is figure out how to up-regulate the production of telomerase in adult stem cells. If we did that successfully, we would have the potential for eternal life.

We are talking Immortality here.

Back-up Stem Cells

Additionally, our body, and that of all other animals, has abundant reserves of an unusual type of stem cell in addition to the normal ones. These are called "spore-like" stem cells. We call them spore-like because, like the spores from fungus or bacteria, these mammalian spores are very basic packages of DNA. They are basic because they lack most of the extra baggage carried by fully developed stem cells.

These spore-like stem cells are supposed to function similar to an emergency "backup" CD in your computer. If the computer fails, you put the backup in to restore the system. Similarly, if the normal stem cells fail, the spore-like stem cells can take their place. These cells have all the same basic DNA codes of normal stem cells, but the DNA is tightly wound. If called into action, spore-like stem cells can quickly absorb nutrients from the surrounding serum and convert themselves from "compressed archives" into full fledged stem cells. Then they can further differentiate, like any other stem cell, into cells which can repair tissues.

However, after we reach a certain age, normal stem cells stop replacing worn out parts and the spore-like stem cells become "disabled".
That’s how the aging process starts.

Theoretically, aging is an aberration to which living organisms should not be subject. We can see in experiment after experiment that the human body can and should be fully capable of maintaining itself for at least 1,000 years, even without direct genetic tampering. Yet, this does not happen.

It seems as if the backup systems were deliberately turned off, forcing aging and death.

Life is in the Blood

It has been shown that blood from a young animal, transfused into an older animal, stimulates stem cell activity and replacement of worn-out cells, especially in areas of the body that have been injured. Scientists have shown that the healing response of old animals can be restored to a youthful level, simply by transfusing young blood into them.

All of this takes us back to the Bible, once again. In “Genesis”, God says that "the life is in the blood." Well, now we know that this is true.

It is well-known that the placenta is a particularly rich source of hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells, similar to those in cord blood. These stem cells can transform into many other cell types, including both red and white blood cells and platelets; they are able to generate blood stem cells and even give rise to a complete blood system.

With AlwaysYoung’s unique stand-alone technology for isolating and recovering BIO-ACTIVE ovine placenta-derived stem cells, we can bring these young cells directly into your body.

They will ignite your own Stem Cells, which, in turn, act to maintain your organism in a youthful state.

The latest discovery in this regard – the Wolf Paradox - states that consistent introduction of BIO-ACTIVE amniotic (placental) stem cells stimulates the activity of your body’s sleeping pluropotent spore-like stem cells, causing them to start producing more and more uni-potent (tissue-specific) stem cells. These stem cells then produce new somatic cells to replace worn-out ones, as they did when we were young.

By introduction of fresh pluropotent placental stem cells on a daily basis, the stem cells of every single part of your body will be ignited anew, producing replacement cells to make you young and vibrant again.

You CAN become younger!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Walter M. Wolf is an anti-aging expert with over 30 years experience. He is the creator of Stem Cell in a capsule AlwaysYoung anti-aging therapy and anti-aging cosmetic stem cell therapy.
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