One of the things women fear most is developing stretch marks in pregnancy. Stretch marks or striae gravidarum, the medical term, is something that nearly all women will have to deal with at some time during their pregnancy.

Stretch marks in pregnancy are red or blue lines that can usually appear on the abdomen, breasts, arms, legs, and buttocks. As the pregnancy develops and weight is gained, the skin is stretched beyond it's usual elasticity. The production of collagen is affected, a protein that gives the skin it's elasticity, and leaves the body more prone to developing stretch marks.

After pregnancy, the skin goes back to it's original shape, stretch marks change their color and become white, smooth, shiny and flattened scars.

Although some women wear their stretch marks with pride, as a reminder of their pregnancies, most want to take what action they can to minimize the scars they leave after pregnancy and get their shape and looks back as soon as they can.

There is no hard and fast rule about which women are likely to develop stretch marks in pregnancy but research has shown that women can be more prone to stretch marks if there is a family history of them. Rapid weight gain can be another contributory factor, so can dehydration.

Women who have naturally dry skin can be more likely to develop stretch marks in pregnancy so using a good natural moisturising solution is a good idea.

How to prevent stretch marks in pregnancy.

Try and eat a healthy diet. Remember although you are pregnant you do not have to eat for two.

Keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water to enhance the elasticity in your skin and to stop your skin from become damaged through dehydration.

Don't put on weight quickly. Give your skin a chance to stretch gradually. You will naturally gain weight during your pregnancy but sudden weight gains or losses can contribute to stretch marks.

Skin creams and lotions are a good way of keeping your body well moisturised and enhancing skin elasticity. Natural products are the best choice. You don't want any nasty chemicals that can be absorbed into the skin that can affect your unborn baby. Natural oils can soften and condition the skin during pregnancy, improve the elasticity of skin and underlying tissue and prevent unsightly stretch marks.

Some common natural products are:

Patchouli Oil: This is a treatment that has regenerative properties and is used for healing all types of scar tissue including stretch marks.

Neroli Oil: This essential oil will treat all skin types, oily or dry and will help with the regeneration of skin cells.

Mandarin Oil: This is a soothing oil. It moisturises and nurtures the skin while enhancing elasticity.

Rose Geranium Oil: Slows skin ageing, improves skin tone, and helps remove and prevent all types of scars, stretch marks, and cellulite.

Vitamin E Oil: This oil promotes healing in the skin, prevents damage from free-radicals and ensures optimum skin health. Treats all kinds of scars and stretch marks.

Rosehip Oil: Rebuilds damaged skin tissue and can reduce the appearance of current stretch marks as well as prevent development of new ones.

Just remember that although your stretch marks may look unappealing while you are pregnant, in time they will fade naturally and blend in more with your own skin coloring.

They can become exaggerated by lack of exercise, so start a fitness routine and a sensible diet as soon as you can after your baby is born.

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Find out more about StretchEasy Massage Oil at a website dedicated to reviewing natural remedies for physical, emotional and psychological conditions.