The word NO is a functionality to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility. It is also an instance or an act to refusal or denial of something by its use.
When choice is mentioned, then one of the greatest virtues of humanity is at the fore. The power of choice is undeniably one of the most significant tools of success available to us as individuals.
It is by far the embodiment of what the WILL of individuals can be expressed. It is also the most crucial breaking point of decision making.
This is where the power within us is exercised. And unless under the influence of a brutal or dictatorial force, we have the liberty to express the will power within us by making choices we deem fit for us.
No, no, no we keep saying, hearing or subconsciously muttering them. What point in time or moments do we hear the echoing of such pronouncements?
Our system and will power most of the time chooses to express the inner strength of self worth and totality by various means.
Several factors not akin to the fullness of what our strong pro- self worth stands for begin to conspire with our sub-conscious in either nullifying or negating the very essence of what our will power is emitting.
When and as this happens then there is a frictional moment of engagement between the WILL POWER and the negating forces within.
The GOOD NEWS is that those negating forces are transitional in representation and functionality. They are accommodated and somehow given temporary governance of our total being depending on how we allow our WILL POWER to give way or compromise.
Learning to say NO, or intuitively applying the word No to your unrelenting march towards success demands that we identify and know much about what we believe in, what we are capable of , what we are made of and how far we can go.
It is very important that you ask questions like what are those negating forces or factors and what do they seem to communicate or confront me with.
Are they actually negating choices that have the potential to guarantee my success or they are negating choices or forces that have the potential to nullify actions that would have halted my success.
In all these circumstances the WILL POWER cannot be under estimated but under a condition conducive to make choices fashioned to guarantee success.

To your Connected Success

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Author's Bio: 

Stanley Joshua Kudolo is an intuitively endowed inspirational and motivational practitioner who believes in the higher calling of assisting, coaching and guiding individuals to identify their life purpose, deploy and maximise their potentials. Getting connected to your success keys is his desire and pursuit. Get his free report at and move your life to the next ascending level.