Ever imagined yourself alone in the beach, quietly reading your favorite book or listening to that album you’ve put out for so long? If your answer to this question is yes, then it’s time for you to start packing and begin that long awaited, well-deserved vacation. Today more than ever in history, stress has become a prominent concern. Different kinds of stress-related issues affect each individual in various levels. One simple way to relieve this is by taking a vacation. It may sound easier said than done however, many would attest to the immense effect this activity had on their lives.

Vacations, whether just for an extended weekend or a full two-week out in the country trip, are not only meant for only those people who burn the midnight oil. Professionals and non-professionals alike, employees at all levels in all jobs, should set aside time for themselves, their family or friends.

Taking time away is a perfect time to relax and not be bothered by the hustle and bustle of the corporate or everyday world. If you have it coming, make sure to use up those paid vacation leaves. You’ve earned it.

First, your emotional and physical body parts have their respective saturation levels. If you think or perform physical duties without reprieve and relaxation, chances are you’re taking years off your life. Taking a break proves to be a significant factor in reaching those “wonder” years in your life. It reduces the death rate by as much as 20 percent. The average human lives up to about 65-70 years old however, this lifespan can be stretched to as long as 80-90 by just having that “down” time.

Second, improving your mental health equals less stress and depression. Most women, usually mothers who do round-the-clock work at home, get so caught up with their daily routines that they forget about taking care of themselves. Husbands should understand the need for their wives to detoxify themselves from all the cleaning and cooking. Working women likewise should pause and take time to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Third, relationships are equally important as anyone’s career. Any imbalance between the two can end up in a disaster. Whether it is your family or friend, quality time is the best gift to embrace. Vacations are a perfect time to rekindle those sparks which have either been long forgotten or put to a halt because of each partner’s careers. Children need to see their parents in a healthy and complementing relationship in order for them to feel that they are loved and their family whole.

Fourth, when thinking of a perfect vacation spot, don’t be overwhelmed by how a certain place has been commercially advertised. Pick a place where you think you can enjoy just being yourself. Letting the kid inside you rule your heart in the few days or weeks you get is worth all the years sitting behind that desk. Ask yourself when was the last time you really had fun – real play – that is. The answer to this question should help you decide where and what type of activities you’d like to do while away. This should be the main thing for you.

Now that you have considered taking a vacation, there are quite a handful of tips to get you started. Have an account solely intended for vacation expenses. This is something you should really start doing at the beginning of the year or shortly after that last trip you had. Saving a few dollars from your paycheck will come a long way. To save on money, be sure to book your flights and resort locations early.

Put everyone on notice that you are taking your vacation, providing at least a months notice. This will allow for adjustments in the office. Knowing that you’ll be out will give all of you time adjust in accomplishing tasks and rescheduling the others if need be.

The biggest mistake you can make is to bring your mobile phone or your laptop. If you do this, forget relaxation. You’re giving your boss a reason to call when he shouldn’t be. If possible, do not disclose any information to your office as to where you’ll be checking in, or your itinerary for the trip. Doing so will ruin the spontaneity of the entire journey. Lastly, don’t fall for that “emergency” call. Most emergencies aren’t really emergencies. Learn to say no and let the people back home handle the situation. If you can’t get away with it, negotiate with your boss. You’re still entitled to that extra 2-3 days leave and these should form part of your next trip. Taking a break from your usual routine should not make you feel guilty. Just think of it as a much-deserved gift you are giving yourself after all your hard work.

Author's Bio: 

Debbie Turner, entrepreneur and home business coach, offers great travel destinations at over 5,000 locations worldwide, starting at $298 for a 7 night stay. For details on the Global Resorts Network luxury travel club membership visit www.globalresortsnetworkblog.com. Debbie’s website is www.grnreport.com. Phone is 843.270.5611, email: debbieturner3@yahoo.com. A member of this vacation club can refer others to it and generate $1000 referral fees.