Right now the best investment you can make is in yourself -- in your inner security, your inner peace, and your inner knowing that you are an integral part of this universe. Your desires matter and are responded to.

You are more important to the universe than the economy. Believe it! But you must acknowledge your inner power by investing in yourself.

That way, the universe can invest in you.

When you're frantically cutting back or feeling discouraged about your dreams, you weaken your magnetic force field.

Don't do it.

Earlier this decade, after 9/11 and the dotcom disintegration, we had a difficult recession. All of my corporate marketing income disappeared. In about 30 days I went from Prada to nada!

Frantically, I tried to figure out how to change my life to go where the money was. Should I give up my consulting business and get a job? Should I move where there might be a job for me?

I struggled to figure it out, and every avenue fizzled into a dead end.

Nothing changed for me until I realized that I didn't want to chase after money or move to a new city. I wanted money to come to me from doing the work I loved, living where I felt happy and at home.

Once I re-committed to my purpose and passion, the universe brought back my previous income and more within a matter of a few months.

Outer security comes and goes. You lose your power and peace of mind when you expect security from things outside of yourself.

But inner security keeps you vibrationally attuned to abundance no matter what happens in the world. In times when outer security is threatened, we each have the opportunity to reach for the security inside.

Inside you is a secure, powerful, loving and creative core energy. This core energy is yours by birthright. Ask your soul to reveal it to you.

Don't expect to find security in the news, in politicians, in bailouts, or in the latest investment idea. Find security in yourself, and you will never lose it.

Author's Bio: 

Andrea Conway, M.Ed., C.C., is the law of attraction success mentor for solopreneurs and small business owners ready to make all the money they want at the business they love. Get an instant bonus e-report, "Fire Up Your Business Success Using the Law of Attraction," when you subscribe to her free e-zine at Successful Self-Employment. You could qualify for a free 30-minute coaching session!

(c) Copyright Successful Self Employment | Andrea Conway