The Freedom and Power of Accountability By Jay Fiset
(Part 1 of 3) 

Why an article on accountability?  This is hardly a new topic yet the concept is widely maligned, misunderstood, and missed completely. Accountability is the foundation of the experience of freedom and personal power.  If we are not willing to live our lives from an accountable point of view then there is always an excuse as to why we can’t, why our lives don’t work, and why we should not even try. 

So let’s start at the beginning.  There are 3 basic levels of accountability; here is a very brief summary: 

1) Accountability for our feelings: I do not have choice regarding the events in my life but I always have choice as to how I will respond to those events. 

2) Accountability for our feelings, choices and lessons: I co-create the experiences in my life.  I choose not to waste my precious energy blaming myself or anyone else.  I honestly examine all of MY choices that co-create the experiences in my life and I choose to learn valuable lessons from everything I experience. 

3) Spiritual accountability for everything: This level of accountability is best framed by the statement “I chose my parents and I will choose the time, place and method of my death.” The implications are many but simply put we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The experiences we co-create here on earth have some purpose or lesson for us, both at a human and spiritual level.  It is our job while we are here to discover that purpose, learn and evolve.  

Accountability is a massive concept and there are some foundation ideas that can assist in the integration:

1) Accountability is not “right” it is simply a way of viewing our lives and experiences that assists us to let go of the past and move forward in our lives 
2) Accountability is an internal experience, no one can make you accountable 
3) Accountability is the foundation of freedom and personal power 

When defining accountability it is sometimes easier to start with what accountability is NOT.  The reason for this is that our society is very invested in the model of blame.  If something is “wrong” then there must be someone to blame, there must be someone or something that is responsible.  Please hear this, accountability is NOT SELF BLAME.  Too many people believe and feel that being accountable is being responsible and most of us have the experience of blame attached to being responsible. 

The first and most important concept in understanding and applying accountability is that there is NO BLAME.  This idea, while it sounds simple, is really quite radical, and in fact it does not even fit in many peoples’ belief system.  Think of it for a minute, it is virtually impossible to watch the news, listen to the radio or read the newspaper without the hearing the words who is to blame, who is responsible.  This framing or approach to life has permeated virtually every area of our lives and society, and it is the primary reason that true accountability is very uncommon in our society. 

If the concept of no blame is difficult for you, simply ask yourself this question,  “What if there is no one to blame?”  How would that impact your life?  How could it assist you and how could it free up your energy? Would this idea support you to forgive yourself and others? The truth is, just releasing the energy of blame can transform your life. 

Until part 2 of this series on accountability, simply become conscious of where in your life you blame others and where in your life you blame yourself.  If it is possible for you, let go of the blame and see how it feels. 

A concept that made it easier for me to stop blaming is this; We have all made the best possible choices we knew how to make the instant that we made the choice, with the information we had at the time. (Information means our entire development as a human being, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually). 

To be continued...

Author's Bio: 

Jay Fiset is the President of Personal Best Seminars Inc. a Personal Development company with over 25,000 grads. He is the published author of Reframe Your Blame: How to be Personally Accountable.

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