The Natal Chart shows the positions of all the Planets in the sky at the exact time of a persons birth. Unlike a "Horoscope" that only addresses the position of where the Sun is, this chart includes all the planets in their positions at the time of birth. Everyone has a specific chart that is unlike everyone else. This chart will tell you everything about yourself and how you can attain your own potential.
These planets when placed in the circle of orbit create certain aspects that are angles or geometric shapes that show where you have struggles or lucky opportunities. Even the exact position of the planets in specific areas show why you are the way you are, what your struggles may be and where your focus of life is.

The Science of Astrology isnt that the planets have control over who you are, but rather that they are a gage or mirror to life, showing the specific energies that you were born into, which shape who and what you are. When you are driving your car, you may look down at the gages and see if your car is running too hot, if the doors are closed, you can see how much fuel you have and countless other things. Get the owners manual out for you car and you can learn a lot more about your car and how to use every function that it has. This is precisely what a Natal Birth Chart is, and everyone has one that is completely unique and personal to them.

The placement of the Planets and where they were at the time of your birth, show us the specific energies that you have to work with in this life, much as a full moon can tell us what to expect from the ocean.

When we buy a new toy, like a cell phone, we are usually eager to read the manual that comes with it so we can maximize the uses of the phone. Well it’s a lot more fun to open and read about your own manual that you were given since birth.

Astrology is after all a science and in fact the oldest science of mankind. The rules and the principles are objective and will remain constant regardless of who does your chart for you. This is a very appealing aspect since the information can be validated rather than just assumed as with a psychic.

Some people are resistant to the idea of astrology, perhaps because it is not mentioned in the bible. For these people I would say that you just have to consider that we have learned so much information on our own, that does not exist in the bible; you should consider that God expected us to learn some things on our own.

Author's Bio: 

Author, Inventor, Metaphysical Teacher, Astrologer