We are all faced with the same obstacles when it comes to weight management. We live in the Land of Plenty, yet our goal is to be slender. How is it possible to beat the odds?
There are businesses among businesses that offer weight loss programs. Then, on the other hand, there businesses among businesses that promote unlimited food consumption? Food promotions are around every corner. What is one to do?
First and foremost you must learn to love yourself. Self-love is the basic foundation for a successful outcome. When you love yourself, you will ultimately make better decisions for yourself. These decisions include your choices of how you will nourish your body.
Secondly, self-talk is crucial to the weight management process. What you say to yourself and others are the instruction your body listens to and follows, which ultimately directs your destiny. Learning ways to say what you mean will ultimately lead to new ways your body responds. Positive affirmations are a key ingredient to successful outcomes. Affirming in the present tense instructs your whole Self; body, mind, and spirit. Say, “I am in the process of achieving my weight goals.” Your body can now respond to the instruction.
Learn how your body responds to environmental influences. For example; I
keep track of the moon phases. I find that I have much more of an appetite during the waxing of the moon. My body will easily “let go” during the waning of the moon. I am able to prepare for these phases with healthy choices and strategies.
Learn patience. It took time for the weight to accumulate. It will take time to take it off.
Keep your emotions in check and learn your reasons for eating and how you feel. We often eat for comfort and rarely for survival. Learning emotional triggers can help with your strategic plan.
Find fun ways to move your body, such as, walking, dancing, or any sport. Exercise does not have to be painful. It can be a fun activity that you look forward to.
Record your journey. Self-reflection on the choices you have made, and the outcome of those choices, can lead to changes in strategy. Journaling can be easy and fun. Journaling can address mindless eating, emotional eating, and other interesting things that you never realized about yourself. Journaling is like a mirror, reflecting decisions and choices. What do you eat? What time do you eat? How do you feel when you choose to eat? Record every bite and every sip. It all adds up. Learn what to limit and what to eliminate.
Pay attention! Be mindful of what and why. You are worth the effort!
We are all walking billboards of our choices, life-styles, how we feel, and what we think.
The process of turning mindless eating into mindful eating requires introspection and awareness. Remember, awareness is the first step to change. One of the ways to see what you are doing is to write it down. Journaling is a process that can be fun and well worth the time. Weight management is ongoing, continuous, and life-long. Every choice matters. Love yourself!

Author's Bio: 

Dr.Franciene Marie Zimmer, PhD, author of two books: NO GAIN! NO PAIN! The Mindful Approach to Weight Loss Management and Journal with Ease! The Mindful Approach to Weight Management. Order them at www.nogainnopainbook.com. or 1-888-280-7715. Franciene is a Healing Touch practitioner and private consultant for whole-body wellness and weight management. drzimmerphd@gmail.com