The Seal marks your body as a holy house. When you are sealed your body becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit in a templescent becoming. You become one with God instead of one with anyone else.

Jesus was condemned to death and died on the cross. He rose from the dead on the third day after His death. His body was a temple of the Holy Spirit. He spoke of it when He foretold His death.

"Tear down this temple," Jesus told the religious authorities, "and I will build it again in three days." They authorities thought He was insane. How could one person build the magnificent temple in Jerusalem in a few days?

But those same authorities were conspiring to kill Jesus in those days. They may not have understood He spoke of His Resurrection after His death but they did plan to kill Him.

The Body of Jesus was a temple of the Holy Spirit. This is what Jesus claimed about Himself and it is true. You can be sealed and become another little temple of the Holy Spirit in the templescent becoming.

But you can also join yourself to another. If you join yourself to the pornographic body instead of the Body of Christ you will become one with that body. If you have sex with a prostitute you have truly become one with her.

Oneness is not limited to marriage beds. You become one with anyone you join yourself to sexually. And yet you can join the pornographic body without having sex with anyone.

You can join the pornographic body by having thoughts and feelings. If you have thoughts and feelings of lust and covetousness for people other than your spouse then you are joining that body.

This is what Jesus taught you, thank God. Your thoughts and feelings can defile you as pornographic or they can sanctify you in a templescent becoming as a holy temple.

It is a battle you fight every day. The battle against your own natural desires. It helps to become sealed. But that does not end the battle. You are the one who fights. Yet you do not have to fight alone.

God will be with you when you are sealed. When your temple becomes defiled He will seek you out. He will look for you and find you. And He will return you to Him. Then you become holy again in another templescent becoming.

God will give you a new outlook on people. Where you once saw them as sex objects they become only attractive. And then when you once saw them as attractive they become just unique people with flaws and potential.

This will not happen overnight. When you are sealed God will protect you from fornication. That change happens quickly. But you will still have sexual tendencies in your natural person--lust and covetousness.

So it is an ongoing battle you fight every day. Sometimes there will be peace for a while when you do not have much perception of desire for strangers. And sometimes you have those thoughts and feelings of desire and you fight them.

But whenever you defile your temple with those desires Jesus comes looking for you. He wants to bring you back to His perfection. In Him you can become a holy temple again.

When you become sealed you become just like Jesus. You sacrifice yourself every day. You have less lust but much more holiness with the templescent becoming when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? and visit to learn about being sealed at
Jason Witt