Do you want to increase your vocabulary? Do you want to wow your friends with big words? Or perhaps you want people to carry dictionaries when you are around them so that they can look up those peculiar words you utter?

Here are a few tips that will make you sound like a word genius. It is actually simpler than it seems.

Tip # 1: Read plenty

“Ha,” You are probably saying, “I’ve heard that one many times before, but it never works!”

Well, it is not just about reading. As you read, mark or write down unfamiliar words. Afterward, look up these words and find out what they mean. Observe how they are used in the sentence, so that you know when and how you should use them.

Tip #2: Learn word Synonyms

Synonyms are other words with similar meaning. For example some of the synonyms for the word 'big' are: large, mammoth, great, enormous, elephantine, etc.

When you learn more and more synonyms, you will be surprised how many new words you’ll know. As an example, try looking for synonyms for the word 'surprise'.

I think this is the ultimate secret to learning more and more words. Lets say, hypothetically, that you know 10 000 words. If you learn three synonyms for each of these, you will increase the number of words you know to 30 000—a threefold increase!

So how do you go about learning synonyms?

You can buy a Thesaurus. It is a book that lists word groups of similar meaning. It also gives antonyms, i.e. words of opposite meaning.

Here’s another way: If you have a computer, and have Microsoft Word installed on it, you can type the word whose synonyms you want to learn into the editor. Right-click the word, and in the menu that appears, select synonyms. This will list the synonyms of that particular word.

Tip # 3: Set a goal

Learning new words is better done in bits rather than a whole bunch at the same time. Set a reasonable goal. A word a day is a reasonable and achievable goal. Try to use the word at every opportunity during the day. At the end of the week, revise the words you’ve learnt. Revision reinforces your memory.

Caution: It's not just about learning the meaning of words! You must learn to use them correctly. In order to use a word correctly, you must know whether it is a noun, adjective, adverb or verb. You must also know the form it takes in the past and past participle tenses if it is a verb.

These tips are certain to assist you. Try them!!!

Author's Bio: 

Michael Sinkolongo is a writer who is passionate, and nearly fanatic about writing. He aims to infuse writers all over the world with the same passion for writing that he has, as well as learn them his greatest techniques. Visit his official website: