The more I wear the mask, the more I am it. I may start out unsure of myself, but the more I wear the mask of surety, the more I am sure.

What mask are you wearing?

Is it a mask named *Success*? Look at the mask and what do you see? What are you succeeding in when you wear it? Who are your friends? What are they saying? What is the weather like outside when you are succeeding? Can you feel the cool breeze or do you feel the hot sun? Is there air conditioning inside, or is there heat? What type of clothing do you wear when you are successful? Do you have a special scent for success, cologne, perfume, candle? Look in the mirror to see what you look like. Are your shoulders back? Is your spine straight?

Or is it a mask of relaxed competence? When you look at that mask, what do you see? What do you look like when you’re wearing it? What is the situation where you will want to wear it? One where you USED TO be uptight, anxious, but once you put the mask on you are relaxed and competent?

The next time you wear your *feel good and in control* masks, feel those successful feelings as you put it on. Feel the successful feelings as you set it on your face, feel the successful feelings spread throughout your body as you straighten up and take a nice deep breath. FEEL successful and your brain can’t help but lead you toward success.

TIP: If you feel resentful of everyone else’s success, success will NOT come your way, so make sure and take off your resentful mask immediately.

The same with failure. Do you have a mask for failure? Immediately take it off and replace it with your successful mask. Do you have a mask for anger? Immediately take it off and replace it with your relaxed competence mask. Do you have other masks you don’t like? Immediately take them off and replace them with the mask you want.

Have fun with this. Find the masks you wear that you don’t like, find the masks you wear that you like. See how fast you can remove the unwanted mask and replace it with the successful mask. See how fast you can feel successful, competent, etc.


If you would like to read another article that help with emotions, here is The Secret To Using Any Emotion At Will. Click here: Http://

Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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