Emerald Pool Trail
This trail is one of Zion’s family friendly hikes. You can wander around three level pools with small streams and small waterfalls. There is some adventure to this hike as there are parts of it that require you to take big steps up rocks. Be sure to bring plenty of water with you. At the third pool, there is nice shade for sitting, having your lunch or snack and taking in the view.

Weeping Rock
This trail takes you to the famous seeping wall of the park. It gets it name because it appears that water is seeking out from the wall as if it’s crying.

Riverside Walk
It is a gateway to the famous Narrows where you will see many trees, ferns and weeping walls along the Virgin Rivers. It’s a very gentle walk and the scenery is beautiful.

Canyon Overlook Trails
If you have your car, you can drive up to the east side of Mt. Carmel Tunnel.
For those of you what want to see the stunning heights and spectacular views of Zion National Park, a long hike is in store.

Stunning Heights Hike:

Angels Landing
It is the Zion’s genuine classic hike and one of the most stunning attractions you will ever experience. It is not recommended to people with a fear of heights. There have been deaths from this trail as people tend to get confident, hurried and goofing off and go right off the side. This is a trail to enjoy, but also to take seriously. Don’t let your trip and hiking experience of Zion National Park end in tragedy.

Hidden canyon
A beautiful place to hike up with secluded hanging canyons positioned above the main canyons with sections of scrambled rocks for more historical sight.

Zion National Park – “The Narrows” Day Hike
Here’s a classic hikes offered by Zion National Park. During this hike you are constantly hiking through water. The Narrow hike is a view point to the amazing deep and amazing sections of Virgin River. The ranger station will advise if this trail is open and when there’s dangers of flash floods. Always check the weather and with the ranger station before heading out.

Middle Fork of Taylor Creek
It is located at the Kolob section and one of the most popular 5-mile hikes to get through the stunning Double-Arch Alcove.

Scenic View Points:

Angel’s landing
This is a truly amazing summit. You can view 360 degrees of canyon from your standing point.

Observation Point
This hike starts from the Weeping Rock, a hot and strenuous hike with alternative switch backs up to the end of the trail. The view is worth the sweat. This is a day hike and it’s not for out of shape individuals. Take plenty of water as there is none along the trail. Plan to take your time, enjoy the views on the way up, you’ll be taking several rest stops. Wear good shoes that fit properly.

West Rim Trail
A grand over viewing site of Great West Canyon. The Great West Canyon adds remarkable attraction to the place.

Deer trap Mountain
It is one of the best panoramas with long hiking from the main canyon or from the east.
Timber Creek Overlook

To get the grand view of the Kolob Finger Canyons, travel to the end of Kolob Canyon roads to maximize the beauty.

Lady Mountain
Astounding,breath-taking view of the Grand Canyons. This is for expert climbers because there is exposed scrambled rock.

The Alternative Routes for Hiking:

West Rim Trails

Top Down Route of Zion Narrows

La Verkin Creek Tail

Make sure you have good shoes, a hat, plenty of water, some carbohydrate snacks or pack your lunch, a camera, walking stick or hiking stick, and are rested before heading out. And, of course, stay on the clearly marked trails for your safety.

Author's Bio: 

Debbie Turner is an entrepreneur and Global Resorts Network home business coach and focuses on outsourcing. For details on the Global Resorts Network luxury travel club membership and business opportunity please visit www.grnreport.com, Blog: www.globalresortsnetworkblog.com Debbie can be reached at 843.270.5611