There is a life that is meant for you. A life that is filled with all the good that you want for yourself and for others. That life is your dream come true, it is your best life.

So many people are not living their best life. They live lives of quiet desperation. They believe that they don't deserve or can't get anything better than what they have.

They live lives that may be good enough but are not quite what they should be. These individuals may have many things that they are thankful for, even though they aren't living their best life. From the outside their lives may look pretty good. But when the alarm goes off in the morning they don't want to get out of bed.

The question is, are you living your best life, or are you settling for something that is less than you deserve?

Let me tell you what life living your best life includes. You are surrounded by people who love you and support you. You feel good about yourself. Your days are filled with activities that bring you joy. In your best life you have a job or career that fulfills and excites you.

You are healthy and happy. You feel like what you do matters to the world. You see the difference that you make and the lives that you touch. You have all your financial needs met. You enjoy each and every day of your life. That is your best life.

So how do you start living your best life? First, start taking responsibility for your own life. No government is going to hand your best life to you nor should they. No employer or any other outside source is responsible for giving you your best life. The only one who chooses what your life becomes is you.

Start realizing that you are the ultimate power in your own life. You are an incredibly powerful creator and you create your life each and every day. Whether your create your best life your not is up to you.

Your life today was created by the beliefs that you held months and years ago. If you want something different then start believing that you can have to something different. You absolutely can.

I believe in you. I believe that starting today you can choose to create a brand-new life for yourself. I believe that no matter what is in your past, you have the power to create your best life. Decide what you want to have in your life. Create a new vision for your self. Be the person that you have always dreamt of being. Do the things you've always wanted to do. Have the things you want to have.

I know what it's like. I used to wake up each day dreading what was to come, and wishing I could just stay in bed. I know what it's like to feel like your life is a sentence to be carried out. I had good things going on in my life, and I was miserable.

Life is not meant to be miserable. You have everything that you need to create your best life inside of you. It's part of your soul. Learn to bring out the best in your self. I know that you can change your life for the better. If I can change my life, you can change yours. There's nothing standing in the way of your best life except yourself.

Find a way to believe that you can have the life you dream of. Heaven and Earth will move to bring to bring your best life to you when you do. Start believing today. Start right now. Life is too short for you to spend another second of it unhappy. Stop giving your power away by expecting others to change your life for you.

So how do you know when you're living your best life? Your alarm goes off and you are excited to get out of bed.

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie Russell knows how to have it all and she is in expert at helping others do the same. To receive your free workshop on how you can be a success today go to