If you want something done - ask a busy person!

We all have the same number of hours in a day, but some people seem to achieve much more than others - in effect they manage their time better.

Your time may appear to pass too quickly or move to slowly, but it is what you are doing and your attitude to the task in hand that influences these feelings. It is possible to arrange your life and to make choices so that you learn to enjoy yourself at any time and make the best use of your allotted time.

We cannot manage time; the hands on the clock, the sand through the hour glass, the sun round the sundial or the water through the vessel, all move inexorably on, whether we are in control or not. We can only manage what actions we take in the time available, ie manage events and people that touch our lives. Management is not therefore just about organising your working life and it is not just for managers – it is for everyone – for all aspects of their life. It is a valid undertaking at any age. You are never too young or too old to take a look at your life and try to make it more fulfilling. Even the eve of retirement might be the optimum starting point – to make that time of your life the starting point for the rest of your life.

But life is not about fitting more things into a day just for the sake of saying how much you have done. Time does not have to be spent doing something productive – one must take time to just ‘be’ and to appreciate the world we live in. To live fully you need an understanding of where time goes and have the power to live your life with enjoyment and success. You need to know about time release and the use of released time in a more meaningful way.

It is not the number of things we do that is important it is the way we do them, the quality of our life and the time and joy that we have given other people. We are all unique but there are many emotions and aspects of our lives that we share. Instead of being divisive, this can be used to join us together.

We all need to plan for tomorrow whilst living today to the full - we should not waste time bemoaning the mistakes of esterday. If you really want to, you can change your life. We are each given a finite amount of time – we do not know how much – so take action now, for your tomorrow never comes. The first step is always the hardest, so make the decision to take it now.

If instead of time management, we read ‘life management’, then our task is like planning a journey – we need a destination, a route and a method of transport.

Remember ‘ Failure to plan is planning to fail’.

Author's Bio: 

Deidre King is author of "Organize Yourself for Success" and has based the book on her own experience and research. She would like everyone to plan and reach their own personal goals and achieve success in whatever they choose to do. For further information, see www.timeforaction.net