What are your goals? Do you want to quit smoking, lose weight, run a marathon, or raise money for a local charity? Whatever your goals may be, you need to ask yourself, how am I going to achieve them? Many of us say, some day I want to go to Hawaii or Monday I will start eating better; but we rarely start working towards the thing we want in our lives. Maybe it is because we don’t know where to start or do not have the support to push us forward.

Whether you have goals stuck in your mind or have taken the time to write them down, start today and work towards achieving it. What steps do you need to take to accomplish your goal? When do you want to have it completed by? Who are you going to tell so they hold you accountable? Successful people set goals, hence the reason for their success.
Whatever your goals are in life, they can be realized through the process of goal setting and starting is as simple as identifying the goal and making the time to work on it.

Things to think about when setting your goals:

• Document each of your goals, look at them every day and work towards achieving success.
• Make your goals detailed. How, when, why are you going accomplish your goals?
• Are your goals manageable? Have you set aside the time to work on your goals? Do you believe your goals are within your reach?
• Document the obstacles and the solutions to achieving your goals.
• Break down your goal into action items. What steps do you need to do to complete your goal?
• Keep a journal of your progress.
• Reach out to your friends and family for support and accountability to keep you on track.
• Believe you can accomplish your goals. It is so important to trust in yourself and have a positive attitude when working on your goals.
• Visualize all the things you want in life, make a dream board.
• Stay motivated, have confidence, and envision yourself already completing your goals.

Have you created a dream board?
A dream board is a visual reminder of your goals and dreams. The pictures and phrases represent those things you want in life and help you stay focused on the "big picture". What we focus on is what we create. Look at your dream board as often as you can so you keep a fresh visualization of your hope, dreams and desires.
Many people have created their dream board on poster or cork boards using newspaper and magazine clippings. Once you have created your dream board, hang it where you will see it the most. It is a constant reminder of everything you want in your life.

Life passes us by so quickly. Days turn into weeks and weeks into years. There are so many possibilities, dreams and opportunities right in front of us. How are you going to turn your desires into reality, get inspired and start on your own goal setting journey?

Author's Bio: 

Becky Steed is the co-founder of AmiGlowz.com, a community based goal setting website. Even though her primary area of expertise is in the IT industry she has always had an interest in personal development, mentoring and leadership. For the creation and design of AmiGlowz, she has spent years researching the topic of goal setting and the necessary components for achieving success. The outcome is a goal setting website that provides people with the all tools for tracking and managing their goals, journaling their thoughts and the ability to seek out others for inspiration and support.