Are you wondering if you're ever going to be able to retire? You're not alone. Many Americans age 55 and over are asking themselves that same important, yet frightening, question. Or maybe you already are retired, and you're wondering how long your money will last. Read on for some answers to your questions.

These questions have always been important concerns, but they have taken on a whole new edge in the current economic situation. You're trying to get an answer during one of the largest recession we have ever experienced. This recession is much deeper and wider than anything anyone would have ever thought possible.

The economic news has indeed been gruesome. The S &P 500 is down by 40%, unemployment is approaching historical highs, real estate values have plummeted, and we have just financed our future in the trillions of dollars. What should you do? Is there any hope at all? How can you get the answers you need to get some peace of mind, and, more importantly, strategies that will help safeguard your future to the greatest extent possible in these challenging times. Fortunately, there seems to be some good news of sorts.

1) The worst is over:

Evidence shows that the economic tailspin has bottomed out and we have by now experienced the worst of our financial situation. That's not to say that we don't face continued challenges, but the market has shown some resistance at current levels and some signs of future prosperity are slowly coming to light.

2) Expert advice is key in this risky market

While planning for your retirement is always important, right now it is absolutely crucial to get expert advice. You don't want to forfeit your opportunity to revive your nest egg and make it grow again - soon.

After all, the market is still full of risks, and you need someone by your side who has experience and strategies to help you plan for your retirement in the mid-range future, i.e., for the next six to twelve months.

3) Careful and methodical plans are crucial

The decision is yours, of course. Are you willing to carefully and methodically plan your retirement money's growth with every tool available? Just like a carpenter, who, when building a house, will purchase the best saw possible, you too should build your retirement with the best possible tools.

4) How to adjust your portfolio to see safe growth

Now is the perfect time to adjust your portfolios to take advantage of good buying opportunities such as high yield bonds and large blue chip stocks, and to weight your portfolio in the health and certain commodity sectors. With such an approach, your expectations of growth are indeed realistic even if you choose to play it safe. Just be sure to look for safe high yield investments and keep a watchful eye on possible continued volatility.

Author's Bio: 

Fee only financial consultant, helping people grow their money while keeping it safe too.