One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to design their lives around their careers. It really works much better the other way around: Start by designing your ideal life, and then figure out what sort of work will support it.

Here's how to get started...

Imagine what a day in your life would look like if it were exactly the way you wanted it. Turn your mind loose. Don't just write down what you think is possible--put down the kind of day you'd have if you had complete freedom, unlimited funds, and all the skills and support you've ever wished for...

The Exercise:

Describe what an IDEAL DAY would look like in your ideal life. Detail is important? be as specific as possible. Start with waking up in the morning 'where do you wake up? Do you start with a run on the beach? Imagine that you can have anything you want in this ideal day' money is not an issue! Include both work and 'play' in this ideal day. Do you leave the house to go to work? What's your energy level?

Your work! what does it look like? Do you have several challenging projects going on at once? Do you spend part of the afternoon promoting your business, writing or researching? What interaction do you have with people, and who are they? Do you enjoy them?

And what does your work 'time' consist of? How many hours a day? Are there long breaks?

Have you outsourced any duties or chores to others? Does an assistant take care of phone calls, errands, etc. for you? Describe which parts of your work are exciting and effortless¡¦are you managing, delegating, planning, expanding, generating ideas for the future, etc.

What are others noticing about you in your IDEAL life? Confidence? Peacefulness and contentment? Playfulness? Your inspiration and leadership?

Do you spend part of the day planning activities for a four or five day weekend? What are you doing for FUN? Golf? Lounging? Reading? Do you take care of your body, your mind, or your spirit on this ideal day? How? Describe what your time with family and friends looks like. What support systems do you have in place in this ideal day? A house-cleaning service, a personal chef, an errand-runner? How have you freed up your time to do more of what you LOVE?

Don't hold back?have fun with this! What do you want your ideal life to LOOK like?

Author's Bio: 

By Barbra White, MBA
Personal and Business Success Coach

I partner with my clients to create the strategy,focus, and momentum needed to design the life they really want to be living. Together we focus on the areas that will bring them the greatest results, generate more money, and bring them the most joy.
