The pungent bulb that can be found in almost every kitchen around the world is actually considered as one of the legendary panaceas. Aside from giving dishes wonderful aroma and savory flavor, this lowly herb is a potent cure for a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Before the invention of ...The pungent bulb that can be found in almost every kitchen around the world is actually considered as one of the legendary panaceas. Aside from giving dishes wonderful aroma and savory flavor, this lowly herb is a potent cure for a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Before the invention of drugs and pills, our early ancestors have already been using garlic to help treat infections, heart problems and many more. Nowadays, it is not surprising to find garlic components in many medications and supplements that are being sold in drugstores and health stores all over the world.

The medicinal benefits of garlic are not merely hearsay nor solely based on traditional medicine. Garlic's potency has been backed by plenty of research and recent studies. The effectiveness of this pungent herb in treating several types of infections, particularly in children, has been well documented. In fact, there are clinical studies that prove the potency of garlic in minimizing a person's risk of developing certain types of cancer particularly in the colon and stomach.

Cares For The Heart

According to experts, there are two ways in which garlic can help your cardiovascular health. First, it lowers your risk of stroke because it contains substances that improve blood flow and prevent platelets from clumping or sticking together. One of the leading causes of heart attack and stroke is the clustering of this blood component. Garlic contains sulfur compounds, particularly diallyl disulfide, also known as DADS, which is important in making blood flow smoothly.

A study conducted at Rhode Island's Brown University found that participants given garlic extracts that are comparable to six garlic cloves showed a drop of the clumping of platelets by about 10% to 58%.

Garlic also cares for your heart by helping reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels in your blood stream. Research found that garlic inhibits the production of these substances in the liver. Laboratory animals that were fed garlic extracts showed a 64% decline in triglycerides and 87% reduction in cholesterol levels. Experts from New York Medical College also recommend eating a clove of garlic daily to help trim down blood cholesterol level by as much as 9%.

Protects From Cancer

There are overwhelming proofs that this white bulb plays a major role not only in the prevention, but also in the treatment of certain types of cancer. Scientists believe that garlic aids in averting cell changes that lead to the development of tumors, prevents cancer cells from growing and even kills or eliminates harmful cells.

Garlic has components that prevent nitrites, a common ingredient in processed foods, from being transformed to nitrosamines, which are harmful chemicals that are believed to help trigger cancer growths in the body. Furthermore, this pungent herb also contains s-allylcysteine, which prevents healthy cells from becoming cancer growths.

It seems that aside from being beneficial to the heart, the DADS component of garlic also stops the development of cancer cells by impeding the cells ability to multiply and divide.

Fights Infection

Since garlic has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, it is helpful in treating a wide variety of infections. Studies have even shown that microbes that have been resistant to conventional drugs can be treated by garlic. A research conducted in Boston City Hospital showed that over 14 different strains of nose, ear and throat infections from children impervious to antibiotic drugs were killed by garlic extracts.

Garlic is also very effective in treating fungal infections. In fact, garlic extracts and supplements were found to be more effective than topical and even oral anti-fungal medications in preventing the flourishing of fungus colonies. One fungal problem that remains resistant to conventional treatment is nail fungus. If you happen to be suffering from nail fungus, it would be best to take supplements or topical solutions that contain a significant amount of garlic extract. One anti-fungal system that is effective against nail fungus is Somasin. Visit for more details.

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine