It’s called worry. That’s its name, worry. Let’s see what Roget’s Thesaurus says are synonyms for worry. Here goes: Anxiety, mental anguish, uneasiness, fear, apprehension, concern, plague, disturb, vex, fret, upset, torture, torment, trouble. If we need more, Roget’s suggests we look up the words pain and torment. But, we get the idea, don’t we? Worry is worrying. It’s very negative. A very negative habit. It steals our peace of mind.
And, yet, we do it. We do it because we don’t see what’s going on, we don’t see how we’re hurting ourselves. We don’t see the damage we’re doing to ourselves.
Where did we ever get the idea worry ever helped us or solved anything? Our mind tricked us on that one. Somehow we accepted the impression from our mind that we could solve a problem or fix a situation by worrying about it.
Let’s use one of those synonyms. We torture ourselves over a situation or problem often endlessly and yet, we never find a solution. We cannot. Our mind does not know. We beat ourselves up. We get further and further away from a solution. We get more and more agitated. We get more and more negative. We get less and less positive, less and less happy, less and less healthy, less and less abundant. And, we never, ever, get a real, effective answer, an answer that works.
When we worry we get a lot of ideas, alright. Contact others who are also worriers and chew over the issue with them. By the way, they’re secretly happy over our problem and equally have the same amount of solution, namely none. After all, they are unable to solve the things they are worried about. Worried minds ask worried minds and all that comes out of it is more worry.
Worry gives us many answers. Take a few drinks, see the doctor, get a prescription drug, eat a big plate of food, take a nap, take a vacation, watch some mindless TV, chat endlessly about our problem. But there never is a real solution. However, the more we worry, the more and more negative we get.
Isn’t it time to stop worrying? It’s time. From this day forward, from this moment forward, let’s resolve, let’s notice we’re worrying . Let’s notice we aren’t getting anywhere with all the worryiing. Let’s resolve from this moment to make a decision. No more worrying. It doesn’t work! No more worrying, it doesn’t help us. No more worrying. Worrying isn’t the way to get solutions that will make us happy and positive.
Getting happy is just a decision. It begins by seeing what we’re doing to ourselves and deciding to get positive. Wringing our hands is not the answer. Getting positive is the answer. The negative didn’t work, did it? Why not try something positive? We get positive and we watch what happens.
For one thing, we aren’t agitated like we were when we worried. We aren’t anxious and disturbed. Negative, a problem, cannot exist in positive energy. Positive energy dissolves problems, resolves problems, and whatever we were worried about changes.
So, why don’t we do it? Be sure of one thing. Our mind does not want us to deal with so-called problems by getting positive. Our mind knows, when we get positive, there are no problems because negativity cannot exist in positive energy. So, why don’t we do it? Why don’t we break the habit of worrying. It’s just a decision.
The Release Technique gives us the the tools to dissolve the negativity that is ruling and ruining lives; the negativity that is running our lives. When we learn to Release, negative no longer prevails. We use our Release tools, we drop the negative thoughts and feelings, we drop the worry, and we get positive. When we get positive, positive happens in our life. When we get positive, negative no longer reigns, positive takes over and positive things and people start coming our way.
Worry keeps us negative and negative collects negative just like lint collects lint. When we apply the tools in the Release Technique, our life turns around and we get positive, and we get healthy, and we get successful in relationships, finances and we get happy, and we find out we can be happy all the time.
No one needs to worry. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t solve problems. No one needs to suffer. The Release Technique shows us the way out of all of this for once and for all. Go to Order the Abundance Course on Cds or sign up for a weekend Abundance Course or better yet, do both. Isn’t it time to get off the treadmill of worry? The Release Technique is the answer you have been looking for.
Try it! It works!
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson
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