How is it that so many of us have been denied our power for so long? Many of you do not even know what I am referring to as it has been so long since we were fully connected. Many more of you know something is missing or so says the whisper of the little voice inside your head. We started out enlightened and then moved quickly into ignorance or so the story goes. We worked together as one tribe and knew to survive we must stick together. Where did those enlightened and cooperative times go?

There was a time just a few short years from now in which you are enlightened. Can you see it out there in your soul’s timeline? You see every action of this universe occurs in a spiraling cone made of straight lines and circles. Every concentric pulse is divine masculine and feminine. What we refer to when we speak of yin and yang balance is this ebb and ever widening flow of our expanding universal self. We enter now a time when all secrets are revealed and a choice is before each and everyone.

It is now the time for a peace and openness unparalleled. Throughout history we know of pockets of awakened beings working together for the betterment of all. In many countries the light workers were disguised as religious, outcasts, witches. However, the light comes through so many of us that the time of darkness we have witnessed in the last few centuries is now illuminated by the very light we bring. We have focused on the woe and now the inevitable choice is a 180 degree turn to peace and love in a real and completely tangible way.

Many tears will be shed as the old ways diminish. Like a thorn pulled from ones’ side; it will only hurt a moment longer. Let that inner voice of yours get louder. Thoughts are not who you are. You are that voice clear and true. It is now the time for the power to flow back into the collective of all humanity. The time for hiding secrets is over. No longer will our awakening be of single isolated incidences. No longer will we be looked upon who bring the light as martyrs or with misunderstanding. We are experiencing more fully the purpose for this human quest.

What is the purpose of pain and suffering many of you still ask. We could spend many life times yet attempting to define our quest through logic or we could right now end the vain questions. Right now you must realize that the point of this human game is to know that we are gods and goddesses. Yes it is true. What does a god/goddess do you ask? We create. Creation requires energy and focus. We can see in nature that as life wains death and decay ensues. We are here to understand that we are the point. We are life itself. We are the light and the force that transcends a lifeless dark universe. We are stars. We are the creation and the creator.

Now how is that for power?

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Author's Bio: 

Kim Markison is a master hypnotherapist. Her lifelong path is to teach and show everyone how powerful and extraordinary they really are. To align with that path and purpose, she is creating unique, empowering hypnosis meditations for HypnoFreedom. Each one is designed for complete relaxation and stress relief, so no matter which one you listen to, you will always arrive at the center of your being to safely enjoy who you truly are.