This article was originally posted at

About 8 weeks ago now, I sustained a pretty severe injury to my left shoulder working out. I am not sure exactly what happened but two days later the pain was excruciating and I could not believe it. I tried to rally for about 2 weeks but could not find a position I could sleep in and instead of getting better, it was getting worse mainly due to the stress of the pain I was experiencing. I recognized that I would have to get the pain in check but I was at a loss. Acupuncture or cupping was not helpful at that point due to the muscle pain tension and spasms I was experiencing and the nerve pain was quite intolerable.

Heat and Cold helped for a few minutes but not enough. Finally, a friend offered me an Aleve and though I had not taken any OTC or Rx medications for decades I was desperate for some relief. I took it and experienced ringing in my ears and abdominal pain within an hour. I also only experienced about a 5% relief so it clearly wasn’t worth the other effects. Note: I am not saying side effects. These are drug effects.

I am quite conversant with CBD’s pharmacology and benefits but had only tried it via vaping personally on a few occasions-see part 1 so had not put it to a pain, or any other serious test. I decided this was to be the test.

I knew for this purpose I would need the best medical grade highest potency product I could find. Vaping was not at all effective in this instance. After 3 days of searching I found an organic product that had been mentioned in several medical journals, and magazines as containing what their labels indicate, most products do not. Also, their price point was equivalent to all the others. The company is also well known for their third party testing process. Meaning they have a laboratory independently audit their product three times a year. I ordered a small tincture and anxiously awaited its arrival.

Three days later I received the product and immediately tried about a fourth of a dropper. I waited and within an hour could swear I experienced some relief. Within 4 days I could sleep comfortably again and had experienced a dimunition in overall pain of about 50%.

I was incredibly impressed. I was aware that by removing the pain and stress and strain my body was able to heal quickly. Within 10 days to 2 weeks I was probably 75% improved truly a stunning testimonial. But that’s not all…

After a month of using this product I noticed an increase in my overall wellbeing. I felt more positive, focused and much less inclined to worry about things. That was the answer to a prayer.

CBD oil is cannabis with the psychoactive substance THC removed. It does not induce a high or any appreciable change in affect at all that I have observed. The mechanism through which it works is via cannabinol receptors in the brain. CBD will bind to those receptors if there is availability within that individual. Presently, there is a ton of research beginning to amass and it is overwhelmingly positive. For example, at least 80% of elders with arthritis are currently experiencing success with it. Over 80% of patients with MS are using it. It is extremely promising for insomnia as well as anxiety and depression and the list goes on. I began prescribing this product to clients a month after I began using with excellent good results. In no way is CBD or medical marijuana a panacea for all ills but it is amazing.

I am now completing a certificate in medical cannabis and CBD therapy. If you would like more information I am holding a FREE SEMINAR on November 12th at from 6-7PM. Please RSVP either via email or on our FB EVENTpage which will be up tomorrow.

If you would simply like try the product we have an assortment of sizes available in stock. My suggestion is to buy the smallest tincture initially and work up from there. Dosage is very much an individual thing. For more information, to purchase etc. please click here.

Next week join me for a discussion about the proper way to assess blood pressure. Far too many people are misdiagnosed and on medications they don’t need. SignUP here so you don’t miss this. Also, don’t forget to visit our store for the best prices and FREE shipping on hundreds of professional products. Our products are new, FRESH and never warehoused therefore they are much more effective.

Best of Health,

Dr. Taryn

Author's Bio: 

Dr Taryn DeCicco ND, LAc, LDN of Apple A Day Clinic in Arlington Heights, IL has been practicing Naturopathy, Nutrition, and Acupuncture, specializing in acne, skin, digestive disorders, and HPV for over 20 years!