A good gun can be a big investment. If you don't take care of it, though, that gun won't last long enough for it to be worth what you've spent. Below is a brief checklist that will help you to ensure that you have everything you need to maintain and store your guns properly.

Cleaning Kit

Always make sure that you have a proper cleaning kit for your gun. A good gun cleaning kit is going to include a cleaning rod, a number of different brushes, and a bore snake. It's usually a good idea to grab some patches that are properly sized for the bore of your gun as well as a few little extras like rags and cotton swabs. These are the basic tools that you will need to keep your gun in good working order.

Gun Oil

Gun oil is a must for keeping your gun properly cleaned and lubricated. There's a lot of argument about whether you should use an all-in-one oil or if you should get both a specific cleaning oil and a specific lubrication oil to use in tandem, but the important thing is that you make sure that you have something on hand. Pick up some cotton mops and a luster cloth to round out your cleaning kit.


One of the biggest enemies of any gun is moisture. Though keeping your gun properly stored is already a good idea, you can make it even safer by investing in a good dehumidifier. Remove as much of the moisture in your storage room as you can before you place your gun inside so that you can keep your gun in working order for a longer period of time. Try to pick a dehumidifier that doesn't require too much upkeep so that you can minimize the amount of time you spend checking on this device.

Gun Safes

Finally, make sure that you invest in appropriate gun safes for your guns. There are several sizes of safes available, ranging from those meant to hold several rifles or shotguns to those meant to hold a single handgun. These safes have a variety of different security measures as well, so try to figure out what level of security you’re wanting. Note that a gun-specific safe, like the Liberty Fatboy 64 safe, tends to have better internal conditions for storing your guns. While you can use other safes, they will require more work before they are in good condition for your guns.

A good gun can serve you well for years. Whether you use your guns for hunting or personal defense, you want to ensure that they are always in good condition. The best way to keep your guns in good working condition for years or even decades to come is to take good care of them. Make sure that you have all the right tools to clean them and do any necessary maintenance. Then make sure that you can store them in as close to their ideal conditions as possible. The better care you take of your firearms, the more use you'll get from them.

Author's Bio: 

Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University and now enjoys writing about health, business, and family. A mother of two wonderful children, she loves traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. You can find her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.