There is a man who has not taken care of himself his whole life. He ran from one relationship to another, never saved a dime, and what money he does have in the way of pension and social security he loses in one way or another. He has never taken care of his health, and he eat’s anything never thinking about getting sick.

But he’s older now with diabetes and one heart attack, and many more health challenges. Yet family and friends love him, even though he does not listen to what they are say about eating right and saving money.

He’s had two giant wake up calls in the way of health challenges… yet it does not phase him. He keeps eating whatever he wants and not really caring about the consequences.

But he is happy… perhaps that’s all that matters.

Sometimes destiny has to be played out.

We just have to love people for who they are no matter what they do…

Because they create their own legacy.

But the people who love him go through anguish every day.

Perhaps in another lifetime things will be different.

The only thing people can do is send him love and healing prayers,

and ask God to take care of him.

Dr. Paul Haider

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 25 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at feel free to contact him any time.
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Dr. Paul Haider, TRS, USA, Metaphysical, Spirituality, God, Destiny, We Create Our Destiny, 2x4 Effect, Wake Up Calls, Love, Prayers, Healing, Anguish, Being Happy, Ask God, Pray for Him, Health Challenges, Nothing We Can Do, Great Wake Up Calls, Our Destiny,
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