There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub. ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Those who face life placidly and harmoniously do so admirably because of their level of deepened spirituality. My favorite, Gandhi was such a one. He said "In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth." Those who know the truth have cultivated inner peace.

People like Gandhi are always a joy to be around because they radiate calmness and joy regardless of the maelstrom that might be brewing around them. I have a strong sense that the US Navy Seals with difficult tasks have trained themselves to remain calm and be at peace or they'd never be able to accomplish those tasks. Their inner peace and the inner peace of others with inner peace inspire calmness around them.

From them we learn that we, too, can be calm, even when everything around us is topsy-turvy, because we know that no matter what happens, this inner sense of calm will help us to function well. I know that my readers have experienced copious amounts of times of confusion, so you now have learned that very these times enable us to find that part of ourselves that knows how to go inside toward inner peace, and how to shine a light of peace to others in the maelstrom.

It's important to be grounded in our individual inner peace, so that we don't allow ourselves to be thrown off balance by every piece of disturbing news that comes our way. We can govern both our emotions and the thinking that produced these emotions at times like the events of the past few weeks. If our feelings and thoughts activate one another in a hectic way, then we become caught up in the confusion that surrounds us. But if we can locate the inner peace at the center of our hearts, we can remain calm in almost any situation. In addition, we provide a safe place for our friends and family, and by using our ability to calmly reason with them, smooth out what they see as the confusion of a world in flux.

It is not important to completely understand what's happening right now, nor do we need to be able to predict the future. We can rejoice over the good that's been accomplished and find our way to being at peace with whatever happens, and this peace lives inside us. It can be brought forward through our choosing. We can foster its unfoldment and growth by cultivating our inner peace with meditation, journaling, and reading words that inspire us. It will lead you into the kingdom of heaven that is within and at hand, and you will become the king of that kingdom.

"The kingdom of harmony is within and at hand, and the king is in the kingdom." ~ Unknown

Take Action Now

1. Set aside 15 minutes of silence every day for this week as a test to find more clarity from within.

2. Decide to remain calm during one event that currently disturbs you.

3. Try ignoring input from The News for just this week. Instead, go inside to where your own Inner Peace is alive and well.

Author's Bio: 

Maria Khalifé, expert in holistic, motivational living, teaches powerful, life-changing techniques. Universal principles sustain her revolutionary methods of coaching, speaking and teaching. Certified at the Ford Institute in San Diego, Maria leads others in accelerated growth on The Path through The Change Coaching Institute.