"Astrology can be defined as a technique for he study of life-cycles.Its main purpose (is to establish) the existence of regular patterns in the sequence of events constituting man’s inner and outer experience; then,to use the knowledge of these patterns in order to control or give meaning to these experiences ~ Indeed, the study of cycles ~ that is, of periodical activities in nature, human and otherwise ~ is the root of all significant knowledge, be it scientific or philosophical. And the study of cycles is a study of time. ~ Dane Rudhyar

The cycles of the moon begin in darkness, then progress to a thin crescent, gradually increasing in light until the complete illumination at Full Moon ~ then the light of the Moon slowly recedes back into another crescent and finally back into the darkness of the New Moon ~ only to begin the process once again.

You don't have to be involved in astrology to get in touch with the natural cycles ~ we are all part of nature. We can visually see this ongoing process, and on an instinctive and unconscious level we're already in touch with the energy of the various phases of the Moon. But its monthly motion through the heavens and its phases are timers that if taken seriously and consciously used can direct the flow of our lives in a positive way.

The Waxing Moon ~ First and second quarter are the phases during which the visible portion of the moon gradually increases toward the wholeness of the Full Moon. The increasing light is accompanied by a gradual ramping up of the outward flow energy. The action is straight forward, choices are made, direction is initiated and the lunar increase carries the project forward. This is the formative time which define the outcome of the cycle.

Waning Moon ~ The third and fourth quarter are the phases during which the visible portion of the moon is decreasing towards the dark of the new Moon. There is a gradual reduction of the light we receive from the Moon and the outward flow of energy gives way to processing what was initiated ~ information is gathered and elimination begins ~ endings can be accomplished faster and more smoothly by being aligned with this natural decrease in energy.

The eight phases that make up the waxing and waning of the Moon

The first four phases make up the waxing or growing half of the cycle, when the energy is building.

* New Moon
* Crescent Moon,
* First Quarter Moon
* Gibbous Moon

The last four phases make up the waning or ending half of the cycle, when the energy is released.

* Full Moon
* Disseminating Moon
* Third Quarter Moon
* Balsamic Moon

Also from Dane Rudhyar~

"...Astrology is not merely a study of celestial cycles in themselves; it is a technique of interpretation of the meaning of these cycles with reference to the possibilities for growth in individuals...Its essential purpose—when true to its highest and truest function in human affairs—is to indicate the possibilities for individual development inherent in the significant turning points in the cycle of a human life."

Author's Bio: 

Patricia Lantz, is a practicing astrologer and hypnotherapist living in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a former www.StarIQ.com columnist,currently writes as the Atlanta Astrology Examiner and is the astrology editor at www.allthingshealing.com ~ an online community for spiritual and healing practices. Patricia invites you to follow her on Examiner.com as she examines life on this small planet through the mediums of astrology, hypnotherapy and other related topics http://www.examiner.com/x-2766-Atlanta-Astrology-Examiner. You may e-mail Patricia at lifescript@comcast.net, or for information about the services she offers visit her home on the web at www.astrology-hypnotherapy.com