A time for change

We are in an era of dramatic change and have the opportunity of a lifetime to change the course of mankind! Actually when you look really close change is happening constantly! So I say enjoy the ride! At least sit back and observe the changes and look beneath the covers and behind the stage. I see so many young writers on the verge of great discoveries and all they need to do is look deeper. See beyond the surface where great mysteries and miracles abide. The scientific mind is a curious mind and this opens so many doors. What this leads to depends on how open minded the observer is in their search. The schools do a good job at teaching us to explore but do little to help with accepting what we find! How often have you seen something that you do not understand and simply skipped over it? That sparkle you saw in the sand could be gold or a bottle cap ( I speak in metaphor here). Reach down and find out! Do not simply assume you know based on the probability of it being something special. I have missed out on so many fabulous things by doing this. Now days I reach down and pick up all the treasures I find and I am open to whatever I find. Just because “authority” says it can’t be so, it is not up to them to decide. You are the one who decides the value of everything in your life. You do this by your actions and the path that you take. Appreciate whatever you find on your journey of discovery and your life has value! The very act of appreciation is to increase the value of something! Of course remember that we each have this choice so not everyone will agree with you. If you decide bottle caps are precious then they are, to you! Not necessarily to everyone else. Enjoy your bottle caps and your decision is worthwhile. As you are enjoying your discoveries be courageous in your inquiry and dig deeper.

The period of change we are in and which is leading to 2012 (the confluence of the Universe) is opening the door to infinite possibilities! This is a bit more than the human mind can grasp, but just know that great things are coming to those who expect them and are open to accept them. In preparation for the future let me throw out some concepts that will get your mind spinning, but when you sit with them a while are very exciting. “The only reason for time is so that everything does not happen at once” Albert Einstein.

"Time is not something that passes, it is a thing through which we pass" Neale Donald Walsh. Now is the only time there ever is, so as we move or not, we have the choice to go forward, stay put or go back by the direction of our focus. It is possible to time travel in this manner, by the use of your mind. Here is a Buddhist story that illustrates this concept.

There are two students and a Master. The Master asks the students to look at a flag blowing in the wind and then asks them what makes the flag move? The first student says, It is the wind that causes the flag to move Master, and the second student says, no Master the flag moves because it is soft and malleable. The Master then answers them by saying, neither the flag nor the wind exist, it is only consciousness that moves. The same concept can be experienced in a car as it speeds down the highway. Is the car moving or the surroundings? Or is simply your consciousness creating the experience of moving down the highway?
Once we start to consider this possibility the idea of us moving through time and not time moving makes great sense. This is why we call our lives a journey, we simply are moving from one experience to another through time! “Times don't change. Men do” Sam Levenson.

Now going back to the Mayan calendar and 2012, this calendar is charting consciousness and as we get closer and closer to the actual confluence of the Universe where all planets, and galaxies line up a doorway or passageway is opening and the possibilities are endless. Think of it as the removal of all obstacles to any thought you desire. We each have a choice to make at this time, either walk through this door or not. Simple really, or is it really? You may remember the series on TV called “the Twilight Zone” and in a way that series and many other productions are preparing us for what is to come.

Another concept I would like to present here is this. What do you know is true beyond any doubt? Be careful here as you consider this question and ask yourself have you ever seen an atom? How do you know they exist? Or DNA, or millions of others things we were taught and took for granted that they really do exist. Just because someone says it is so does not mean that it is. Now each of us has personal experiences and to each of us these things seem to be the truth, but to others they may not be. For example have you seen a ghost? Or how about a mermaid? Do Elves really exist? How do you know they do not? My point here is simply to question reality constantly and never tell someone else what they believe and by this I mean you cannot tell another person what the “Truth” is. The Truth must be discovered by each person as they move into the consciousness of knowing.

Truth and reality are tricky words and their meaning is not concrete because they could mean different things to different people. Truth is not absolute in this world! And neither is reality. These are malleable concepts Truth and reality. So when I say that there are infinite possibilities I mean that literally. How you perceive and experience your reality determines your truth, which will not be the same for any two people, although it could be similar enough to appear to be a universal truth. Gravity is a favorite concept for “authority” to use when proving reality. Drop a rock and it falls to the floor, right? When we watch a movie it can seem just as real to us as doing it yourself can’t it. Are those things really happening in the movie screen? So is the rock falling or is it simply consciousness that moves as in the Buddhist story?

So in your journey through time or your “lifetime”, be very observant and pay close attention to your life and be forever inquisitive about what is happening around you or appearing to happen around you. Question reality! Feel the changes that occur around you as this is the one thing that we can use to guide us. Emotions rise up from the lower 3 chakras and thoughts come down from the higher 3 chakras and meet in the Heart chakra at the center creating our feelings. Get to know your feelings and at first this is done by noticing if the feeling is pleasant or not. Does it hurt or not? This does not make the feeling good or bad only pleasant or painful. Focus on the pleasant feelings and use those as a guide. Now you are on the road to positive change.

One of the reasons for us being here is to experience conscious co-creation. We are God expressed and as co-creators with God our purpose is to observe the act of being. This is not hard and simply takes a conscious choice to notice things but at the same time not to judge them! This is a very important distinction in the process. If you were to observe death for instance it is not up to us to decide if that is good or bad. It is simply up to us to observe and say oh is that what death is? Really? Now when you observe be sure to pay close attention to your feelings (a combination of thoughts and emotions). Become very focused on the Heart Center and how that feels at all times. I said Heart Center because it is located in the middle of your chest and not over the physical heart which is simply a pump. The chakras run along the spine in the center of your body, so that puts them in front of the spine. They are energy centers only, not physical locations just so we are clear about that. “Feelings are the language of the soul” Neale Donald Walsh. As I mention in my book Livin’ Large – a Journey of Love, be in the moment but at the same time aware. Take action that is appropriate to the situation. I am not suggesting you stand by and allow someone to be harmed if you can prevent it, but like in my past I have witness someone dying in an accident that I had no control over. The thing to do in this case is to pay attention to your feelings and FEEL them, without judging whether it is good or bad. Now you are a conscious co-creator, react in accordance to your feelings, cry if you feel the need, get angry or whatever comes to you, but just be aware that this experience is a gift for you to use in your quest to be closer to God. I firmly believe that death does not exist, because we are eternal beings created in God’s image. “There is but one mind, the mind of God and that mind is my mind now” Ernest Holmes. My other favorite quote on this subject is “all the world’s a stage and we are merely players” William Shakespeare

Before I ramble on too much let’s recap here. First concept is that Time is not something that passes, but it is us that moves through time going from one experience to another always in the “now” time. We do not actually move physically through time but in consciousness, and in fact all of life is simply a “movie” of your slice of consciousness. Yes, it feels very real and has definite effects that last beyond your lifetime, but in the end all is forgiven because we will realize that there is nothing to forgive – nothing actually happened and “you” are still at home with God. I like to picture myself cradled in his arms, safe always and in all ways! You can see it however you wish! And lastly we are co-creators with God which means you have Infinite Possibilities for what you are creating! When we allow ourselves to be guided by our feelings or Soul then the results we get are magnificent! The ego thinks it can do better than God and this is it’s downfall. We are not our egos, so let go and focus instead on your Soul guidance system found in the center of your chest, or to say that another way, follow your heart!

Author's Bio: 

Blessed Awareness is devoted to furthering Love, Peace and Acceptance of God’s truth. Through the teachings of Jesus in “A Course In Miracles” (ACIM) and in the “Art of Spiritual Peacemaking” I practice, share and disseminate Divine Loving Forgiveness. My life’s journey as a transgender woman is to spread God’s Truth to all people everywhere. The perception that we are different is the grand delusion we call life. This universe we see as we look around is an illusion, nothing is as it seems, including our bodies. I am not my body. I am a Spiritual Being having a Human experience, and so are you. The good news is that there is a power greater than us that we can use to fully express who we are, and in so doing we are glorifying God.