Active FX is a trademark of Lumenis Corporation used to describe a treatment with their fractional CO2 laser system, ultra laser pulse. This was the first fractional CO2 laser introduced into the market in recent years and maintains clear advantages over systems laser skin resurfacing of others.

Active FX concept is based on taking the traditional CO2 laser, spot size and narrow the distance between the contact points on the skin. At the distance of these zones or "split" treatment, leaving an untreated "bridges" of the skin. These bridges provide the entire area to heal faster and with less risk. The physician can control the relative size of the bridges by changing the density of the treatment.

FX Active treatment is usually only a local anesthetic, which is applied on the skin and left in place for 30-45 minutes. Patients may benefit from treatment valium mouth sometimes, however, this requires that they have a ride home. Sometimes a local anesthetic nerve blocks can be done, so that a more aggressive treatment (high-density treatments).

Restoring Active FX depends on the definition of the patient's "total recovery". For most, this means that they can continue working without knowing look. This may take 5-7 days for most patients. However, many patients have minimal or no pain after the first day. After that, the healing of the skin turning a moderately red, then a little 'brown as the sun damaged outer layer of skin flakes. Patients are encouraged to take a shower twice a day and keep the skin moist during this time. During the day, 5-7 the skin is completely healed, and a little 'red, which can be easily covered with make-up or explained by the sunburn from the beach.

The results are measured patient satisfaction 'with Active FX is uniformly positive, we practice. Each patient receives a significant improvement in skin texture and softness. Almost every patient receives a substantial tightening of the lower eyelid skin and the almost complete resolution of "age spots" or moderate sun damage. Wrinkles around the mouth requires a little 'deeper treatment, and several passes through the FX active and can not be solved completely, but almost always presents a significant improvement. Recently introduced profound changes FX shows great promise to solve these deeper lines in a single treatment.

Carbon dioxide laser skin will return to heating the water molecules. Depth of penetration of the carbon dioxide laser is about 0.2 mm per pass, even if the heating can be done more thoroughly. Runs can be conducted with the laser to increase the depth of tissue damage. Carbon dioxide lasers addresses pigmentation and wrinkles in two ways. CO2 laser ablation of the outer layer of skin, the epidermis. This is the layer of pigment cells in which to live. The laser delivered heat the dermis due to denature collagen in the skin and must be reformed. Reforming the collagen and to remove water from the skin, the skin is tightened and wrinkles are reduced. Histological studies have shown that the CO2 laser treatments are one of three treatments for the time being scientifically proven to increase skin collagen. We must be careful, however, that the removal skin to the dermis as a scar may occur.

Erbium laser ablation, but not so deep as carbon dioxide. Erbium laser penetrates approximately 0.05 mm. This means that less tissue damage, leading to a faster recovery. Unfortunately, because the laser does not penetrate significantly into the epidermis, the improvement of wrinkles is not so great.

Although lasers have a variety of delivery systems that can be used. Lasers can be delivered in classic mode, in which the entire area is treated, or a small state, where the checkerboard type of model has been created. This leaves the islands of intact tissue from the treated areas, which allows for faster wound healing and decreased downtime. Fraction technique was used in the Erbium laser for a while ', but has just been introduced with the carbon dioxide laser with excellent results.

FX mainly active treatment of a time with significant savings for the patient and the costs and downtime for compared to multiple treatments with the Fraxel or IPL gets more modest results.

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