Utilizing feng shui within the various rooms of your home can add a harmonious look and feel that can energize your entire family. It can be especially useful to focus on the rooms where the family spends most of their time, since these rooms will benefit the most from feng shui touches. Adding feng shui to your home's game room will help your family better utilize the room and get more enjoyment and relaxation from the time you spend together having fun.

Dealing with the Electrical Aspects of the Entertainment Center
Electronics are a major component of almost every entertainment or family game room. Whether it's electronic game equipment, a television or stereo, or a computer, there's generally no shortage of electricity in these rooms. In feng shui, electronics are considered to be too stimulating for rooms such as the bathroom or the bedroom. However, they are much more at home in the game room, since this is the perfect location for these fun and stimulating components. Using the family game room for this purpose can help to enhance the feng shui energy in the remainder of your home, since you'll be able to keep the other rooms relatively free from these kinds of devices.

If you feel that the game room is too stimulating because of all the electronic components, use cabinets with doors that can be closed for televisions and game consoles. Then, you can simply conceal the units behind closed doors when you want to use the room for non-electronic games. Add a few wood and water elements or a couple of live plants to the room to help balance the room's energy. If you do have a computer in the game room, place it in the near left corner of the room to promote study and learning, or the center of the right wall to promote creativity.

Create a Harmonious Furniture Arrangement
Arrange the furniture in the family game room in a way that allows easy access throughout the room even if games are being played. This will create a more harmonious room with fewer disruptions for family members, in addition to improving the energy flow throughout the room. Avoid arranging furniture in a way that puts your back towards a door, as this can make it difficult for a person to relax. If this kind of furniture arrangement is impossible to avoid, place a mirror on the wall facing the sofa or chair.

Enhance Family Togetherness
You can also use feng shui to arrange your game room in a way that further enhances family togetherness. Place the stereo in the far right corner, since playing music in this area will enhance relationships and promote harmony. Arrange the furniture in a way that will make it easy for everyone to sit comfortably to play games. Proper lighting can also add to the overall atmosphere of the room. If the room has overhead lights, add a dimmer switch so that you can adjust the lighting level to fit every mood.

Author's Bio: 

Artist, Jessica Ackerman, is a consultant with WallDecorandHomeAccents.com; she demonstrates what a well-trained eye can accomplish with wine wall art and wall decor.