From turning off the lights when you leave a room to turning off the water when you’re brushing your teeth, there’s always little things each of us can do to help the environment. Beyond this though, many people feel like it’s hard to make a real difference. For those living with urinary incontinence, more than 25 million Americans, or those of us caring or shopping for someone dealing with incontinence, there are steps you can take to be more eco-friendly.

Adult disposable diapers are the third largest consumer item in United States landfills, making up 17.5 million tons of garbage and 7 percent of all of the nation’s landfill waste. This is a staggering number, especially when compared to infant diapers, which make up only 2 percent of landfills.

Whether light, moderate or heavy incontinence, many people deal with these issues through disposable adult diapers. Although sometimes labeled biodegradable, that can be a cryptic word without a clear meaning. According to the California Integrated Waste Management Board, not even biodegradable diapers break down in a landfill. It can take up to 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose. Not only that, but found that more than 82,000 tons of plastic and 250,000 trees are used to make disposable diapers each year.

The average wearer sends approximately 1,100 to 1,500 diapers a year to landfills. Multiplied by millions of wearers, that means billions of adult diapers each year. It can’t be disputed that they are bad for the environment.

Senior citizens should be aware of the environmentally friendly options. Whenever possible, people should use washable, reusable options that don’t contribute to daily waste. Next time you’re picking out incontinence products, keep this article in mind. Make sure you explore all options for dealing with incontinence.

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About the author:
Mandy Harrell is the brand manager for Wearever® and its sister brand, Eversures. Wearever offers comfortable, quality, affordable and stylish apparel solutions for everyday health and wellness concerns. The men’s and women’s underwear line of washable, reusable urinary incontinence panties and briefs is especially beneficial for active individuals who want to continue their normal lifestyle without worry or emotional stress resulting from urinary incontinence. To learn more, visit