In order to achieve a defined and sexy stomach, you must use highly effective ab exercises to sculpt the abdominal musculature. But carving your stomach muscles is only half the story.

To have your six pack finally become visible, you must burn off the layer of belly fat that is covering this hidden treasure.

Does accomplishing both of these goals seem overwhelming? Well, it won't be for long because I'm about to share with you an ab exercise that causes you to achieve both of these goals simultaneously!

You see, most commonly performed ab exercises train the muscles in your midsection but do nothing to cause a fat burning effect.

I prefer to use ab exercises that cause a fat burning effect, in addition to training the abdominal musculature directly.

Now let me show you a great exercise that has the dual effect that we just mentioned. I call this exercise the Parallel Bar Knee Raise.

Warning! This is not an exercise for beginners. This movement does require a solid base of upper body strength in order to do it correctly.

Here is the proper technique:

Parallel Bar Knee Raise- Support your body on parallel dip bars while keeping your elbows locked. Maintain an upright position with your torso.

Bring your knees up until your thighs are parallel to the ground. This is the starting position. From the starting position, bring your knees up as close as possible to your chest and intensely contract your abs. Return to starting position and repeat.

Again, this is definitely an advanced exercise. Those of you who have trouble performing it should start off by strengthening your abs (and entire body) with a variety of less difficult exercises.

One of the best ab exercises to prepare you for this movement is the progressive reverse crunch. Simply begin in a horizontal position and increase the angle of inclination as your abs become stronger, until you are able to properly perform the parallel bar knee raise.

Integrate this exercise today and finally get YOUR sexy six pack!

Author's Bio: 

John Alvino is considered the fitness industries "go to guy" when it comes to abdominal training. Click here to learn how to get a six pack as fast as possible with more of the best ab exercises